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Re: Signs of clang
Posted by: mikro Sep,20.2020-21:37 

Can you give me an example of such behavior? A short test with

int f(int num) {
int n = num * num;
if (n > 0)
return 1;
else return 2;

leads to (-m68020-60 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer) exactly opposite behaviour to your claim:

gcc 4.6.4:

move.l 4(%sp),%d0
muls.l %d0,%d0
tst.l %d0
sle %d0
extb.l %d0
moveq #1,%d1
sub.l %d0,%d1
move.l %d1,%d0

gcc 7.2.0:

move.l 4(%sp),%d0
muls.l %d0,%d0
jeq .L6
moveq #1,%d0
moveq #2,%d0

I'm keeping gcc7, thanks ;)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Signs of clang ggn Sep,10.2020-11:59
  Re: Signs of clang PeyloW Sep,15.2020-20:16
    Re: Signs of clang mikro Sep,20.2020-21:37
      Re: Signs of clang ggn Sep,21.2020-22:16
      Re: Signs of clang PeyloW Sep,25.2020-19:24
      Re: Signs of clang PeyloW Sep,25.2020-20:17
        Re: Signs of clang ggn Sep,25.2020-22:29

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