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Atari demoscene BBS
Re: Phong anyone ?
Posted by: Defjam Apr,16.2015-17:27 

Well, envmapping is some sort of fake-Phong.
Real Phong would involve interpolation of the normalvectors, normalization and then using a lightning model based on the normalized normalvectors.
Thunderdome Demo used some sort of Phong in the Rubbercube part with the Hannibal texture, but it's Cheat Like Fuck. :)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Phong anyone ? s_t_s Apr,16.2015-09:41
  Re: Phong anyone ? Defjam Apr,16.2015-17:27
    Re: Phong anyone ? dml Apr,16.2015-17:40
      Re: Phong anyone ? PeyloW Apr,17.2015-02:09
        Re: Phong anyone ? s_t_s Apr,18.2015-08:50
          Re: Phong anyone ? s_t_s Apr,25.2015-11:38
            Re: Phong anyone ? gwEm/PHF Apr,27.2015-10:11

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