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Atari demoscene BBS
Re: No Topic provided
Posted by: CiH Dec,07.2014-18:24 

Sorry about my party befuddled post earlier.

There are two standard Falcon 030 demo's. The one from Dune rocks hard. And three for the 060. One of which is a port of the Revision 2014 Amiga compo and not entered into the competitions. The other two I'll let you find out for yourself.

Then there are some nice goodies in the game category too.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
No Topic provided CiH Dec,07.2014-04:50
  Re: No Topic provided Bod/Effect Dec,07.2014-09:15
    Re: No Topic provided s_t_s Dec,07.2014-12:41
      Re: No Topic provided Bod/Effect Dec,08.2014-14:04
  Re: No Topic provided Daniel, New Beat Dec,07.2014-18:18
    Re: No Topic provided CiH Dec,07.2014-18:24
      Re: No Topic provided Daniel, New Beat Dec,07.2014-18:27
        Re: No Topic provided CiH Dec,07.2014-18:32
        Re: No Topic provided earx Dec,08.2014-13:23
          Re: No Topic provided gwEm Dec,08.2014-13:56
            Re: No Topic provided Bod/Effect Dec,08.2014-14:07
  Re: No Topic provided earx Dec,08.2014-11:48
    Re: No Topic provided Laurent / Thadoss Dec,09.2014-14:10

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