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Re: Falcon monitor preference
Posted by: evil Jun,21.2012-15:02 

The only other device I know of with both available as standard is the Dreamcast.

Or Raspberry Pi, Amiga AGA, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, any PC/Mac with composite/svideo output etc etc. It's not an uncommon thing.

If you were to do Mame ports I guess you'd choose RGB over VGA?

It doesn't matter. It's the VSYNC you're after, that's what controlling the frame rate. HSYNC (the thing that differs between RGB/TV and VGA) is quite irrelevant as that's nothing that can be seen anyways.

Flexible VSYNC is the best thing for MAME as it emulates so many different arcade machines. And there VGA is far more flexible than RGB/TV which only have PAL50/PAL60/NTSC/SECAM (plus the ones I missed). Arcade machines can go to non-standard VSYNCS to make sure the game run in one frame :)

But as ggn said, this has nothing to do with the Falcon VGA/RGB topic.

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Falcon monitor preference Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Jun,17.2012-21:29
  Re: Falcon monitor preference sqward Jun,17.2012-22:01
  Re: Falcon monitor preference sqward Jun,17.2012-22:01
    Re: Falcon monitor preference FrankDeRyder Jun,18.2012-19:48
      Re: Falcon monitor preference evil Jun,18.2012-20:32
        Re: Falcon monitor preference sqward Jun,18.2012-21:37
          Re: Falcon monitor preference FrankDeRyder Jun,19.2012-19:50
            Re: Falcon monitor preference sqward Jun,19.2012-22:12
              Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,19.2012-22:22
                Re: Falcon monitor preference sqward Jun,19.2012-23:57
                  Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,20.2012-12:44
  Re: Falcon monitor preference evil Jun,17.2012-22:16
    Re: Falcon monitor preference ggn Jun,18.2012-08:26
      Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,18.2012-14:12
        Re: Falcon monitor preference Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Jun,20.2012-17:32
          Re: Falcon monitor preference ggn Jun,20.2012-19:17
            Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,20.2012-21:37
              Re: Falcon monitor preference ggn Jun,20.2012-23:18
                Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,21.2012-01:16
                  Re: Falcon monitor preference ggn Jun,21.2012-07:31
                    Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,21.2012-13:26
                      Re: Falcon monitor preference evil Jun,21.2012-15:02
                        Re: Falcon monitor preference nativ Jun,21.2012-20:47
  Re: Falcon monitor preference Xerus Jun,20.2012-22:28

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