Atari demoscene BBS
Re: my music |
Posted by: gwEm
thanks, you guys are very kind to me!
my first impressions of bandcamp are very good, and I can recommend the site so far. its very transparent and non-corporate. uploading non-compressed stuff take a while with a slow connection, but that is the only real disadvantage.
the idea was to put all my music into one place, since some people either only know my demoscene stuff or micromusic stuff. next I have two new albums which I didn't release. probably i will wait a few months for that stuff.
i'm working a bit on maxymiser lately. maybe a chance for one last big revision before just 'maintaining' it. i also has some idea for another bootsector.
but i know better than to promises releases and so on.. i have a new job, and thinking about moving which all diverts time.. but i am optimistic for at least a few releases this year.
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