Atari demoscene BBS
Saint STE compatibility |
Posted by: Dbug
I was browsing pouet, noticing that Leonard apparently recently (december 2009) updated Saint to work with the recent STe demos, so decided to give a try - was many years since I used it -.
Downloaded version 2.14, and then found out there is still no support for the hard drive (only floppies), so no problem, ran Steem, copied by STEarth.prg to a blank .ST file, and tried again with Saint.
Except that:
- It warns that STe support is experimental when clicking on the STe checkbox.
- It warns that any tos other than 1.00 is going to cause problems.
- Booting with tos 1.06 fails entirelly
- Running my demo with tos 1.00 to 1.04 worked ok, except my STe detection failed since there are no cookie jar installed, giving the "This demo works only on STE or MegaSTE".
(wanted to send this directly to Leonard, but could not find any "contact" adress on his website.)
So Leonard, if you are reading that, can you update Saint in a way this demo can work:
Thanks :)
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