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Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo
Posted by: dan Dec,29.2009-00:35 

solo is definetly part of the demoscene. His style is unique, doesn´t matter if you like it or not. Obviously no reason to turn his entry down. On the contrary, he even sent in an own logo, few other crews did not even manage to do so (you know, who you are). ;)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Atari STe 20 year megademo gwEm Dec,28.2009-14:03
  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo gwEm Dec,28.2009-15:00
    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,28.2009-15:03
      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo tobe Dec,28.2009-17:39
        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Jace Dec,28.2009-19:45
        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Grey Dec,28.2009-19:47
          Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Jace Dec,28.2009-20:09
            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo ChrisTOS Dec,28.2009-20:19
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Bod Dec,28.2009-20:41
                Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Dma-Sc Dec,29.2009-11:25
          Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,28.2009-22:28
            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo RA/pdx Dec,28.2009-23:02
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Dbug Dec,29.2009-12:42
            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo dan Dec,29.2009-00:26
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo gwem Dec,29.2009-00:28
            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo dan Dec,29.2009-00:35
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo dan Dec,29.2009-00:36
            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,29.2009-02:28
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Grey Dec,29.2009-03:02
              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,29.2009-09:37
                Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Grey Dec,29.2009-10:14
                  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo ZWF/PDX Dec,29.2009-11:29
                    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Marcer Dec,29.2009-12:19
                      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo 505 Dec,29.2009-16:48
                      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,29.2009-23:25
                Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,29.2009-14:13
                  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo ZWF/PDX Dec,29.2009-14:30
                  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,29.2009-23:02
                    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Felice Dec,30.2009-00:42
                    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo CJ Dec,30.2009-00:53
                      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,30.2009-01:21
                        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo CJ Dec,30.2009-06:37
                    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,30.2009-01:19
                      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo CJ Dec,30.2009-06:41
                      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,30.2009-14:14
                        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Grey Dec,30.2009-14:43
                        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo tomchi Dec,30.2009-15:57
                          Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,30.2009-17:12
                        Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo havoc Dec,30.2009-16:34
                          Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,30.2009-17:21
                            Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Grey Dec,31.2009-00:07
                              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo CiH Dec,31.2009-01:09
                              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo evil Dec,31.2009-11:23
                                Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo gwEm Jan,01.2010-21:32
                              Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo RA/pdx Dec,31.2009-11:32
                                Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo ray Jan,01.2010-22:42
    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Jan,12.2010-20:02
  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Laurent Sallafranque Dec,30.2009-12:14
    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Zorro 2^NoExtra Dec,30.2009-16:16
      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Gizmo Dec,30.2009-17:11
      Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo s_t_s Dec,30.2009-18:09
  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo ggn Jan,03.2010-03:03
  Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo herrv Jan,05.2010-09:28
    Re: Atari STe 20 year megademo Strider Jan,05.2010-21:24

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