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CT63 Wont startup?
Posted by: Damion Jan,14.2009-05:03 

Last night, I set the CT63 to TV instead of VGA.

My screen moaned about the video being out of range and so I set it back to VGA.

Now, it wont boot up on 060 mode at all?

The Boot up display flashes past like normal, and then it says ATARI in colour along with the rest of that line and then the line below it saying the CT60 BIOS 1.03c etc but it just stays there?

In 030 mode, I am able to change the settings in the CPX module, and I can do this to both the Falcons own NVRAM and the CT63's one and it remembers those settings, but the CT63 itself wont get past that first screen?

Any clues?

Is there some kind of RESET program that will take the CT63 back to its defaults?

I cannot find any such program in the CT63 Archive.

Thanks for helping.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,14.2009-05:03
  Addition Damion Jan,14.2009-08:04
  Re: CT63 Wont startup? Delta99 Jan,14.2009-11:32
    Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,14.2009-15:19
      Re: CT63 Wont startup? PeP Jan,14.2009-15:43
        Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,14.2009-16:17
          Re: CT63 Wont startup? neurotics Jan,15.2009-03:05
            Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,15.2009-04:48
              Re: CT63 Wont startup? Delta99 Jan,15.2009-09:43
                Re: CT63 Wont startup? Knezzen Jan,15.2009-15:49
                  Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,15.2009-16:27
                Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,15.2009-16:24
                  Re: CT63 Wont startup? Patrice Mandin Jan,15.2009-20:39
                    Re: CT63 Wont startup? Damion Jan,16.2009-01:26

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