CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Games on CT60 |
Posted by: CiH
Here's my small list which is a far from systematic check:
Patrice Mandin ports of Doom, Hexen, Quake etc..
Towers II. (Works well.)
The very early pre-preview of Lasers and Men. (Make sure you're not on delay cache otherwise it is very slow.) The full version crashes though.
Tautology (Depack the executable first.)
Other Res Gods stuff??
Also, try gemcandy.org for desktop based Gem-legal stuff.
The Atari 800 emulator runs at a decent speed now, although I've used that purely to watch demos rather than play games ;-)
General tips. If something doesn't work. Try depacking the prog file first. 'New Depack' still works very well :-)
Also, beware of older stuff which is RGB only, if you've since permanently connected Mr Falcy to a VGA screen ;-)
If something, particularly using 3D, seems to be running very slowly, then try it with delay cache turned off.
That's me out of information for the moment, anyone else??
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