CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Falcon with Nemesis and CT |
Posted by: Falcon060
He has the exact same model and size of memory as I do. A 512mb PC133 SDRam by Kingston. Mine works very well and really do not want to swap them to see. I know for a fact that his ABE and SDR and TOS files are an older version. So first thing to do is to update everything and make sure he has all the latest hardware tweaks to the CT60. I do not have the Falcon yet. But he is supposed to be sending it soon. Now that I think about it he was having issues with running the Nemesis in HIGH (I believe it is 48 mhz in high mode), but Nemesis LOW is actually 40 mhz and he had NO issues with it running in LOW. Knowing this (actually remembering it now) I am actually leaning towards an STRam issue. Maybe he does not have the greatest STRam upgrade. That will be my first course of action. I had bought a few STRam upgrades from that guy in Poland I believe that Rodolphe had said his STRam upgrade was the best he had seen. I will be doing a lot of checking of everything on his system so he can have a Falcon060 that runs very stable.
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