CT60 and related things BBS
ct60/63 is great but... |
Posted by: neurotics
Hi ATARIans!
I am very satisfied with my ct60/ethernat but what I am really missing is a fast high resolution graphics like with NOVA or Eclipse.
Unfortunately the above mentioned solutions do not work with ct60 (I have both of them) so my question is:
Any news regarding CTPCI? (*)
I mean, the ct60 now has a fast cpu, there is enough ram and for those who already received their ethernat networking is fast as well but the graphics is a shame.
Whenever there are visitors at home I feel ashamed when they stare at the poor Falcon graphics.
(*) I know that there are still hopes to get a SuperVIDEL one day but at the moment I guess the boys at nature have other work to finish. :-)
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