CT60 and related things BBS
Posted by: jao
I'm in the process of restoring a re-cased Falcon. Its cased in a PC style case, which has a custom made rear-panel that allows the Falcon MB sockets to be exposed. Works very well, and a really neat job.
The PSU is an AT (not ATX) style. And although it works perfectly, I have to click 'reset' for the Falcon to boot.
I suspect that I disturbed two wires (with terminal connectors) which handled this (it used to boot fine before).
One wire goes to the ORANGE PG (power good) wire on the AT PSU and also connects to one side of the PC (SPST) reset button. The other side of the reset button goes to another terminal connector.
I think the orange PG wire goes to 5V shortly after the PSU comes up, and this was probably used to reset the Falcon.
Any idea where this might have clipped onto the Falcon MB?
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