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Re: cubase audio
Posted by: Wayne Feb,07.2004-19:04 

When you're in a mixermap and open an object with the alt key pressed, assign it to whatever and confirm, and you'll be presented a dialogue that will ask if you want to apply the change to all objects. Say yes, and you're done. I think the mixermap settings are saved with a song. Are you wanting the original "def.all?" The lan drivers won't hurnt anything. In the last couple of years I've fianally been using the lan port to drive a seperate midi in/out! It's a mini macman, from midiman, that I had lying around. It's great to have 16 more midi channels in and out!


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Topic Posted by  Date 
cubase audio Mark Feb,05.2004-01:56
  Re: cubase audio Wayne Feb,05.2004-05:00
    Re: cubase audio Wayne Feb,06.2004-04:18
      Re: cubase audio mark Feb,07.2004-01:33
        Re: cubase audio Mark Feb,07.2004-16:00
          Re: cubase audio Wayne Feb,07.2004-19:04
            Re: cubase audio Mark Feb,10.2004-01:00
              Re: cubase audio Wayne Feb,10.2004-06:02
                Re: cubase audio Mark Feb,12.2004-16:04
                  Re: cubase audio Wayne Feb,12.2004-22:20

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