CT60 and related things BBS
Problem with CT60 and disks |
Posted by: ThomasW
Hi all. Finally got my CT60 Falcon set back up at my new house and got it up and running again. I gave up almost with it about a year ago after my C drive became corrupted. But now I've started a clean re-install and everything is going well... but. What I forgotten about is that my CT60 Falcon really has issues with floppy disks. If you accidentally try and write something with the write protect on, it crashes (stupid I know but it happens when your copying a lot of stuff). If the drive has any problems reading a disk (disk corruption or whatever), it crashes. At the moment I've only had this happening with plain TOS, as I'm toying with the idea of making it a completely Mint machine (but not keen on the idea of having to copy everything off the hard drive to set up a new file system) or getting Magic back on the go again.. Any ideas? Thanks Thomas
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