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FreeSCI compiled for MINT |
Posted by: Tobias
Hi all,
I've successfully compiled FreeSCI for MINT with the help of SDL. http://freesci.linuxgames.com/
It runs very slow on my Falcon040. Maybe someone with a CT60 could test it and report if it runs fast enough to play some games (my CT60 Falcon is disassembled at the moment, waiting for a new case).
You can download the compiled version here: http://www.tobiashagemann.de/freesci_0.3.5.zip
It is compiled for 68020-60 machines without sound support, since this slows down a lot. Moderate tested by me under FreeMINT. It would be nice to get some feedback about this.
Best regards,
What is SCI?
SCI, which Sierra referred to as both the "SCript Interpreter" and the "Sierra Creative Interpreter", is a p-machine style virtual machine for executing platform- independant, object-oriented code. SCI was designed for 16 bit little endian computers, although there were later attempts to create 32 bit versions, LSCI, and SCI32. SCI was exclusively used by Sierra On-Line, Inc., to run its computer game series, with titles like Leisure Suit Larry 2-7, Space Quest 3-6, King's Quest 4-6, Quest for Glory 1-4, and several others.
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