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CT60 and related things BBS
Alpha Version 1.04 |
Posted by: Uli
I had just flashed the new binary 1.04 (alpha) for CTPCI and found something strange. With Version 1.03c it wasn't possible to boot with Magic. Only the use of the magcboot.prg from the autofolder worked but the FPU was disabled afterwards. With 1.04 it worked exactly 2 times to boot with Magic directly. after that it always crashed with an ever repeating message about a monitor patch. Since than I had to use the autofolder programme again but with yet working FPU.
Is there anybody with similar experiences?
Greetings, Uli
pS: my Falcon is board exellarated (25MHz) and it made no differences if I run it at 66.6MHz or 90MHz
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