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Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex
Posted by: Peter Dec,27.2005-11:30 

As long as it uses SDL (not in combination with X), and can be compiled using GCC<3, most stuff works without too much alterations.

Problem is that current emulators are usually cycle accurate, unlike most older emulators for our platform (Speccy for example).
Cycle accurate emulation uses lots of cpu power, but on the other hand it enables us to run demo effects (e.g. rasters) etc.

In my experience, stuff intended for a 200-300Mhz PC can run pretty well on a 100Mhz CT60 if we skip every second frame.

I think Patrice has ported some version of MAME, but afaik it was too slow to be of any real use.

-- Peter

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 emu ports, where next? CiH Dec,17.2005-13:35
  Re: CT60 emu ports, where next? Mac-Falcon Dec,17.2005-17:12
  Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Peter Dec,17.2005-22:48
    Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex CiH Dec,18.2005-03:18
      Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Carbon Dec,24.2005-18:37
        Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Peter Dec,27.2005-11:30
          Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex hencox Dec,28.2005-16:39
            Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Patrice Mandin Dec,28.2005-19:59
              Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Zorro Dec,29.2005-16:04
                Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Patrice Mandin Dec,29.2005-20:33
                  Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Zorro Dec,29.2005-21:02
            Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex Peter Dec,29.2005-10:08
              Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex sh3-rg Dec,30.2005-02:35
  Re: CT60 emu ports, where nex krupkaj Dec,28.2005-16:22

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