CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Update CT60 with JTAG via |
Posted by: Coda
I have not used the Xilinx PC software (webpack), just the stuff the Didier Mequinon wrote that comes with the CT60 package. If you do it with the webpack on a PC you will need to modify your TOS JTAG cable. Obviously if you have a PC JTAG cable already, you'll be fine.
1. Plug in your cable to the CT60, and the other end into the Falcons parallel port.
2. If you dont have the resistor as described on czuba-tech.com then you will have to pull your CT60 off the Falcons expansion slot. I soldered the resistor so I dont have to do this, and I dont know HOW to do program it in this state.
3. Boot into 030 mode, and run the update software (flash060.prg - the same one you use to update your CT60 bios).
4. Select the correct .jed file and flash it.
5. reboot in 060 mode and you're done.
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