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Posted by: hencox Aug,12.2005-01:01 

we have already experimented with using parallell termination at our end of the data lines, but it doesn't get any way near as good as it could have been with series resistors on the CT60. We saw that when we used a given value for parallell termination that yields reasonable input levels from CT60 to EtherNat (write operation), that same termination screws up the data signals when the EtherNat is driving to the CT60 (read operation). We tried different values but it ended up as a trade off between almost acceptable input levels and dangerously low output levels, and neither looked very good so we gave up the whole thing.

We use series termination resistors on the EtherNat, so at least the signals look good when the EtherNat is driving.

In the end what determines if the computer crashes or not is wether the setup and hold times are fulfilled, and spikes and reflections are something that could jeopardize that. Setup time is the time a given signal must be stable before rising edge of the clock pulse, hold time is the time that same signal must continue to be stable after rising edge of the clock. Currently we're measuring how much setup and hold times are affected for different signals with and without the EtherNat in the system. As yet I _have_ seen some differences on the TA signal (but the data lines seem safe), and it will be interesting to see if what I have seen could be the solution.


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The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!!! hencox Aug,09.2005-12:07
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!!! evil Aug,09.2005-13:00
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Peter Aug,09.2005-13:13
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,09.2005-13:23
    Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! earx Aug,09.2005-13:50
      Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! CiH Aug,09.2005-13:56
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! gwEm Aug,09.2005-14:29
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,09.2005-14:50
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! gwEm Aug,09.2005-15:18
              Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Adam Klobukowski Aug,09.2005-15:23
              Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! natter Aug,09.2005-16:49
                Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! CiH Aug,09.2005-17:25
                  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! JoeAtari Aug,09.2005-17:32
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Uli Aug,09.2005-17:49
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Gildor Aug,09.2005-18:13
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Carbon Aug,14.2005-02:37
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! raphael Aug,14.2005-20:01
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,14.2005-22:46
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Didier Méquignon Aug,09.2005-17:56
    Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! hencox Aug,10.2005-14:13
      Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,10.2005-16:33
      Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,10.2005-16:54
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Instream Aug,10.2005-18:22
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,10.2005-21:39
      Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,11.2005-08:57
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,11.2005-12:49
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,11.2005-14:02
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Peter Aug,11.2005-17:26
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Joe Iron Aug,11.2005-18:54
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! hencox Aug,12.2005-01:01
              Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Adam Klobukowski Aug,12.2005-11:43
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! sqward Aug,14.2005-20:24
    Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,14.2005-22:47
      Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! sqward Aug,15.2005-08:19
        Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! instream Aug,20.2005-23:02
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! hencox Aug,20.2005-23:23
            Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! hencox Aug,20.2005-23:24
          Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Coda Aug,21.2005-14:46
  Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Delta 99 Aug,23.2005-14:26
    Re: The ETHERNAT is FINISHED!! Peter Aug,23.2005-18:59

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