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Re: 060 temps
Posted by: CiH Jun,25.2005-15:37 

If it is coasting at 37C now, what was it doing before with the old cpu? We need something to compare it to.

It's a tough one to call. There isn't really such a thing as an 'average' CT60 operating temperature.

Lots of different variables affect it, whether yours is in a tight-fitting original Falcon case, a roomy tower, or even with the case lid off. Also how efficient your cooling scheme is, even the ambient room temperature can alter the recorded cpu temp by several degrees. I guess if you are in midsummer room conditions, it is as hot as you will get ;-)

For my original rev 1 set-up in standard Atari case, it peaked at around 41-43 degrees c, which was just too uncomfortable for Magic 6, but ok on plain tos. Using a large fan to blow air through the top casing managed to knock it down back to the late thirties degree celcius, where everything was ok again. There isn't much direct cooling from the external fan going on, as the CT60 is positioned halfway under the keyboard, but the hot air build-up was constantly flushed out, and this made all the difference. It seems to be about the same if I leave the top part of the case off.

I also get the impression that the rev 6 should cope with a higher operating temp, better than the rev 1 does.

Thing to do is to see what happens when it is in constant use, see if the temp shoots up, or anything falls over or not. I guess you should be ok at 80mhz.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
060 temps Coda Jun,25.2005-13:08
  Re: 060 temps CiH Jun,25.2005-15:37
    Re: 060 temps Coda Jun,25.2005-17:04
      Re: 060 temps evil Jun,25.2005-18:15
        Re: 060 temps SWE Jun,26.2005-07:25
          Re: 060 temps JoeAtari Jun,27.2005-01:43
        Re: 060 temps earx Jun,27.2005-09:10
          Re: 060 temps aowl Jun,27.2005-12:50
            Re: 060 temps cruzito Jun,29.2005-12:20
        Re: 060 temps Galen Jul,09.2005-01:04

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