CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Falcamp |
Posted by: stghost
I've fixed main timing issues for mp3 replay on fast falcons because even for simple mp3 file replay some people had troubles.
The streaming part has been rewritten to run more smoothly aswell but things only improved for stik/sting, mintnet still behaves badly through gluestik for some unknown reason. I've began a mintnet native code (partly), but now the dsp sync gets mad and it keeps on looping the same for many seconds, that's pretty awful...
When that will be fixed, a new release will come out, but i can't give any schedule... there's no debugger working well enough under mint to help me debug interrupts (with non-mint system, no sync issues so far).
If someone knows how to make adebug working with mint without losing keyboard focus, i would be glad to know...
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