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Re: CT60 + NVDI bug
Posted by: Didier Méquignon Aug,15.2003-08:54 

The NVDI + TOS bug in 2 colors arrive _only_ when the SDRAM is in copyback. It's good with the cache in writethrough (or without SDRAM).
vq_extnd returns bad values, for example work_out[4]=0 (number of planes).
Maybe the solution is to put a cpusha bc after the v_opnwk, I don't know.
I cannot remove copyback ;-) and I cannot look at all NVDI code.
I'am 99,99% sure than the bug is inside NVDI, not the TOS.



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CT60 + NVDI bug evil Aug,10.2003-12:19
  Re: CT60 + NVDI bug Didier Méquignon Aug,11.2003-21:03
  Re: CT60 + NVDI bug Didier Méquignon Aug,13.2003-20:01
  Re: CT60 + NVDI bug Didier Méquignon Aug,15.2003-08:54

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