CT60 and related things BBS
Falcon Port Extenders |
Posted by: Samf
Hi Everybody!!!
Could someone please explain to me, in detail, how to make the port extenders for my falcon? I need cable extensions for: DSP/spkr and mic, vga, modem, printer, maybe scsi, and the two enhanced joystick ports. I am not concerned about the cartrigde port.
I have found several online places to purchase the idc d-sub connetors, and flat ribbon cable. I've noticed that there various types of flat ribbon cable. Which type am I supposed to get?
Folks, I need all the info you can give me. I'm just about ready to order parts, and I'd like to get my Falcon/CT60 in it's new home before the year is out.
Thanks to all of you,
Sam F.
Virginia U.S.A.
Atari Computer Nut
C-Lab Falcon/CT060, 256mb Fastram,14mb STram, 4gig hdd
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