CT60 and related things BBS
Posted by: Philipp Donzé
Hi everybody,
As I'm doing a fresh install of my system (after macking a backup on CDs), I'm stuck with the following problem:
What driver do you use, to access CD-ROMs under TOS?
I tried an ancient version of CD-Tools (=MetaDOS 2.5x, HS-ISO.DOS, HS-CDROM.BOS) : doesn't work with CT60.
Then I tried Spin! (v0.37beta,) with MetaDOS 2.76, which works, but suddenly crashes the system if I copy lots of files.
Further I (still) use HD-Driver 7.83, but as I had never problems with my harddiscs and as much as I understand of MetaDOS, HD-Driver is not doing anything when I access the CD-ROM, so it shouldn't bother.
Any ideas?
Note: I use a IDE Harddisc and a Pioneer SCSI CD-ROM in my Falcon CT60.
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