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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CT60 boot 1.05
Posted by: insane/.tSCc. Mar,24.2019-21:14 

I'm using the ct63 flasher from the original boot 1.03c package on CT63.
No problems thus far. Aside from the PMMU code which is changed due to the different gcc versions it should still work on the CT60.
Please contact me on my email addy: insane(dot)atari(at)gmail(dot)com so we can figure sth out.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 boot 1.05 insane/.tSCc. Mar,20.2019-13:29
  Re: CT60 boot 1.05 insane/.tSCc. Mar,20.2019-13:30
  Re: CT60 boot 1.05 sqward Mar,20.2019-14:05
    Re: CT60 boot 1.05 insane/.tSCc. Mar,20.2019-18:43
      Re: CT60 boot 1.05 sqward Mar,23.2019-22:09
        Re: CT60 boot 1.05 insane/.tSCc. Mar,24.2019-21:22
  Re: CT60 boot 1.05 saulot Mar,23.2019-18:16
    Re: CT60 boot 1.05 saulot Mar,23.2019-18:19
      Re: CT60 boot 1.05 insane/.tSCc. Mar,24.2019-21:14

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