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Re: (Super)Videl in 16:9
Posted by: Beetle Aug,12.2015-23:01 


after some testing I now know that I can easily create 720x400 to make a
perfect looking 16:9 screen for my Dell TFT display, but not in truecolor.

And the SuperVidel XBIOS is not compatible with Videlity (what was to be

Therefore i need a 720x400 SuperVidel XBIOS modecode to replay the output of
my latest video encoding efforts in fullscreen.

PeP, feature request!! :D

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Videl in 16:9 Beetle Aug,11.2015-23:39
  Re: Videl in 16:9 ChrisTOS Aug,12.2015-13:03
  Re: Videl in 16:9 Cyprian Aug,12.2015-13:06
    Re: Videl in 16:9 Beetle Aug,12.2015-18:42
      Re: (Super)Videl in 16:9 Beetle Aug,12.2015-23:01
        Re: (Super)Videl in 16:9 PeP Aug,12.2015-23:35

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