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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CT60 + Phantom
Posted by: dml Jun,06.2015-18:28 

My memory of this is vague - but for the Nemesis at least, it overclocks the 32MHz system oscillator which is also used as a pixel clock source for RGB. So boosting the bus to 20mhz (or whatever) will break RGB by default.

VGA has an isolated pixel clock which isn't affected by bus clock changes.

The Nemesis solved the RGB problem by supplying a specific clock source to VIDEL for RGB modes. Unfortunately I forget the details on how this was implemented on the board - I think it involved toggling an ACIA bit to turn that override on/off so you could continue to use 20MHz bus with RGB...

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 + Phantom mikro Jun,06.2015-12:50
  Re: CT60 + Phantom dml Jun,06.2015-18:28
    Re: CT60 + Phantom mikro Jun,06.2015-18:56

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