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CT63 soldering 060 socket
Posted by: Falcon060 Apr,29.2015-01:50 

I have decided to break out my second CT60(63). Upon doing so I discovered that the 060 socket is not soldered to the CT63 board. Is there any brave person willing to do this for me??? Its pretty small an intense work for me an I really dont feel like ruining a CT63 board. The person will be compensated for their efforts.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT63 soldering 060 socket Falcon060 Apr,29.2015-01:50
  Re: CT63 soldering 060 socket neurotics Apr,29.2015-14:28
  Re: CT63 soldering 060 socket Beetle Apr,29.2015-20:38
    Re: CT63 soldering 060 socket Falcon060 Apr,29.2015-23:21
      Re: CT63 soldering 060 socket Falcon060 Apr,30.2015-03:44

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