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Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs
Posted by: Joe Iron Dec,23.2010-11:44 

Hi All,

I also have som problem with nVDI. It works fine if plain tos is used. But when I use MiNT and trying to start XaES I got an error message. Do anybody has any idea what I'm doing wrong? The very same configuration of XaAES works fine if I use fVDI (with VIDEO = 1). Here is a boot log of XaAES:

~~~~~~~~~~~~ XaAES start up!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
stack is long-aligned:209525AC
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-0/moose.xdd'
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-0/moose_w.adi'
sysfile_exits: 'u:/c/mint/1-17-0/moose.adi'
home_path: '\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\'
sysfile_exits: 'u:\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\moose_w.adi'
XaAES v0.999 Beta
MultiTasking AES for MiNT
Part of freemint (
Supports mouse wheels
Compile time switches enabled:
- CTRL+ALT key-combo's
- Client vector validation
- Realtime (live) window scrolling, moving and sizing

nkc_init ok!
Loading config \c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\xaaes.cnf
load adi modules
Loading AES Device Drivers:
load_adi: enter (0x20926314, 0x20926214, moose.adi)
load_adi: return 0
load_adi: enter (0x20961344, 0x20961244, moose_w.adi)
load_adi: return 0
adi_load: done
Creating XaAES kernel thread
Installed 'nAES' cookie in readable memory at 121E000
k_init: videomode=8764
nvdi version = 503
could not determine fvdi version
1st v_opnvwk
->0, wh=0/8331 0 colors
invalid values, trying physical workstation
k_init:vdo=30000 vm=223C video=8764
Falcon video: mode 8764(223C)
Screenmode is: 5
k_init: v_opnwk() mode=5
k_init: v_opnwk() handle=1
Physical work station opened: 1
Virtual work station opened: 3
lookup-support:1, planes:0
planes wrong: 0 (colors=2)
planes now: 1
Video info: width(0/0), planes :1, colours 2 pixel-format 8 palsz=1536
Display Device: Phys_handle=1, Virt_handle=3
size=[0,0], colours=2, bitplanes=1
Loading system resource file 'xaaes009.rsc'
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\xaaes009.rsc' exists - return = 0
system resource = 20896004 (\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\xaaes009.rsc)
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\xa_xtobj.rsc' exists - return = 0
xaaes_sysfile: check if '\c\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\widgets\rond_wdg.rsc' exists - return = 0
'AESSYS': received signal: 8(ignored)
'AESSYS': received signal: 8(ignored)
alert:9, KBD:10
Wheel support present
Using moose adi
'XaSYS': fatal error: 4
Loading AES modules...
Cleaning up ready to exit....
wait for AES help thread to terminate....
Removing all remaining windows
Freeing delayed deleted windows
Closing and deleting root window
shutting down aes thread .. tp=2088E000
Freeing Aes environment
cancel aesmsgs
cancel cevents
cancel keyqueue
freeing attachements
free clientlistname
Exit widget theme module
Freeing wind_calc cache
freeing attachments
Exit object render module
freeing wtlist
Free main XaAES client structure
Freeing cnf stuff
Freeing Options
C.shutdown = 0x4
Closing down vwk 3
Closing down physical vdi workstation 1
Enter cursor mode
Closing VDI workstation 1
VDI workstation closed
Done shutting down VDI
leaving k_shutdown()
Closing adi_mouse
attempt to restart XaSYS

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Topic Posted by  Date 
NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs raphael Dec,21.2010-23:29
  Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs Raphael Zweifel Dec,22.2010-16:34
  Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs Joe Iron Dec,23.2010-11:44
    Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs Joe Iron Dec,23.2010-13:01
      Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs Joe Iron Dec,23.2010-15:38
      Re: NVDI with new CT60/CTPCI drvs jury Jan,30.2011-13:47

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