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Re: more games running on ct60
Posted by: Baldrick Apr,05.2004-14:07 


It generally has to do with people writting for SDL are using very fast machines. I had played around with doing an SDL light a couple of years ago for the Atari, since alot of the routines could be simple mapppings on the Atari. Then Patrice did his port and I thought about the actual time required to get a fully functional version and put it on the shelf. I have done some rewrite of SDL code for the Atari, but you often find that there are huge bugs in the code that really slow the program down. If you are running on a 1.8 ghz pc they aren't as apparent as the machine is fast enough to overcome the wasted time copying. For example with one program I was playing with awhile back, the program was 'blitting' about 8 times the data to the display as it actually wanted to because of a bad calculation. Basically I am still of the opinion if you want to see this stuff working well on an atari someone like rg should be called in with godlib to make an Atari SDL compatible clone lib.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
more games running on ct60 Mac-Falcon Apr,04.2004-10:00
  Re: more games running on ct60 EvilFranky Apr,04.2004-16:20
    Thanks a lot! MacFalcon Apr,05.2004-10:14
      Re: Thanks a lot! EvilFranky Apr,05.2004-18:32
    Re: more games running on ct60 mouse_master Apr,05.2004-21:17
      ScummVM Mac-falcon Apr,08.2004-18:57
  Re: more games running on ct60 evil Apr,04.2004-18:34
    Re: more games running on ct60 EvilFranky Apr,04.2004-20:11
      Re: more games running on ct60 evil Apr,04.2004-21:53
    Re: more games running on ct60 MacFalcon Apr,05.2004-10:18
    Re: more games running on ct60 Baldrick Apr,05.2004-14:07
      Re: more games running on ct60 deez Apr,05.2004-16:08
  Re: more games running on ct60 evil Apr,05.2004-21:02
    Re: more games running on ct60 EvilFranky Apr,05.2004-22:39
      Re: more games running on ct60 evil Apr,05.2004-23:12

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