Atari coding BBS
Re: ST: Screen Pointer Update glit |
Posted by: evil
Do the actual hardware register write very early in vbl and swap the buffers in the main loop.
It doesn't hurt if the vbl set the same address several vbl in a row.
To do your own vbl routine isn't hard:
move.l $70.w,save_vbl
move.l #myvbl,$70.w
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l scraddr,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.l d0,$ffff8200.w
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l save_vbl,$70.w
However, if your main loop suddenly need less than 1 vbl in some cases, you need to wait for vbl so you don't swap around all buffers and end up on the visible one.
Anders Eriksson
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