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Atari coding BBS
Re: GCC, C loops and dbra...
Posted by: ggn Feb,13.2017-09:16 

Actually, if you open a few compiler windows in brownbot you can type your code and have it compiled with different switches, so you can see the results immediately. It takes a lot of the pain away :).

OT: Matt Goldbot is looking into integrating 68k gcc into the official compiler-explorer site. If anyone wants to help (it's way over my head), here's the github link:

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Topic Posted by  Date 
GCC, C loops and dbra... dml Feb,10.2017-14:56
  Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... mikro Feb,12.2017-01:13
    Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... ggn Feb,13.2017-09:16
      Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... mikro Feb,14.2017-00:58
        Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... ggn Feb,14.2017-18:35
          Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... mikro Feb,15.2017-00:12
            Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... ggn Feb,15.2017-10:25
              Re: GCC, C loops and dbra... mikro Feb,16.2017-00:25

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