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Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C)
Posted by: ggn Nov,11.2012-20:42 

Although I had no need to do such a thing, I can't imagine making dsp work from C being too hard. If you use v3.4 which is available through this site, it should be just a matter of including easy_use.s in your project and doing the following:

1. at the bottom of easy_use.s, change dspmod34_mod to point to your .mod file
2. malloc() 8k of ST ram and store the pointer to dspmod34_dma_pointer
3. turn on supervisor mode
4. call dspmod34_saveaudio
5. call dspmod34_start
6. call dspmod34_play_module
7. put a call to dspmod34_vbl in your vbl routine (or if you want to be system friendly, just find the first available routine in the vblqueue table and put dspmod34_vbl's address there)

Your module should be playing loud and clear now. To exit:

8. remove the dspmod34_vbl from the vbl queue or remove your custom vbl routine.
9. call dspmod34_stop
10. dspmod34_restoreaudio
11. dspmod34_supervisor_out

and you're done! Try this out and let us know if you get stuck.

P.S. some extra hints about playing samples alongside the modfile can be found here:

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Nov,11.2012-13:37
  Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) ggn Nov,11.2012-20:42
    Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) AdamK Nov,11.2012-22:24
    Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Nov,12.2012-18:24
  Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) saulot Nov,12.2012-02:19
    Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) saulot Nov,12.2012-02:26
      Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Nov,12.2012-18:26
        Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) ggn Nov,13.2012-17:16
          Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Nov,13.2012-18:19
          Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) mikro Nov,13.2012-19:26
            Re: Falcon DSP MOD replay (Pure C) ggn Nov,13.2012-23:39

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