Atari coding BBS
68030 cycle exact DIVU |
Posted by: Sallafranque
Does anybody here knows how to compute the exact number of cycles used by a DIVU.W, DIVU.L, DIVS.W or DIVS.L on the 68030 processor ?
Motorola doc gives
44 cycles for divu.w
56 cycles for divs.w
78 cycles for divu.l
90 cycles for divs.l
But all these values are maximum values.
I've tried gembench on my real falcon and on Hatari, and hatari gives 65% of a Falcon with the divu.w test.
We've got an algo in hatari to compute the exact cycle for a divu on the 68000 processor, I'd like to implement the same one for the 68030.
Any help would be appreciate.
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