Atari coding BBS
Re: Falcon address $ff8930 |
Posted by: Laurent Sallafranque
In complement to my precedent question, is it possible to have
$ff8930 = %xxxx xxxx xxxx 0000 :
Source-Device: DMA-PLAY
0 - Handshaking on, dest DSP-REC
00 - 25.175Mhz clock
0 - Handshake on,
And in $ff8932, %xxxx xxxx 1111 xxxx
In this example, DMA_Play should be connected to DSP_REC in handshake mode ($FF8930), but DSP_REC is said to be connected to A/D convertor without handshake mode.
Is it possible to configure the matrix like this ?
If yes, how does the falcon reacts ?
Best regards,
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