Atari coding BBS
Falcon crossbar help requested |
Posted by: Laurent Sallafranque
I'm working on the falcon crossbar for Hatari, and I have some questions:
- I use 2 docs, the atari compendium and the hardware.txt. They don't describe address $ff8930 and $ff8932 the same way. Which one gives the good informations ?
- how many sound DMA are there in the Falcon ? (I read on wiki and some other sites that Falcon as 2 DMA (16 bits, 4 tracks (record and play)) and a SDma). What's the difference between the DMA and the Sdma ?
- where do the notion of track applies ? (Can I do DMAplay -> DSP in with 4 tracks stereo and DSP out -> DAC in 3 Tracks).
Is there a good documentation on the falcon crossbar to help me coding it correctly into hatari ?
best regards,
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