Atari coding BBS
Re: interrupt programming question |
Posted by: saulot
mikro: Well, I thought about generating another interrupt after certain number of TA ticks to perform other tasks (like increasing delta times, preparing data to send etc)...
Basically I need all of this to handle sending midi commands with correct tempo/intervals and with various PPQN (clock ticks per quarter note).
So basically speaking if I've got tempo 120(120 quater notes per minute) and 96 PPQN (which is some kind of resolution). Each quarter note has 60,000,000/120=500,000 ms and in this case my midi clock interval is 500,000ms/96PPQ=5208,4ms.
So after those 96 x 5208,4ms ticks I have duration of one quaternote and within these 96 tiny intervals I have to send proper midi commands to midi out ports.
My question was if there is posibility that other interrupt routine with higher priority than TA could be triggered after let's say those 96 TA ticks.
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