Atari coding BBS
Re: PEXEC Mode 3 |
Posted by: evil
As Mikro says, it definity works on Falcon, the 20 year megademo uses it :-)
Here is the source from the 20 years demo:
pea null ;env
pea null ;cmd
pea filename ;filename
move.w #3,-(sp) ;load
move.w #$4b,-(sp) ;pexec()
trap #1
lea.l 16(sp),sp
tst.l d0
bmi.s exit
move.l d0,save_adr ;bp addr
pea null ;env
move.l save_adr,-(sp) ;bp addr
pea null ;fn
move.w #4,-(sp) ;go
move.w #$4b,-(sp) ;pexec()
trap #1
lea.l 16(sp),sp
move.l save_adr,-(sp) ;mfree
move.w #$49,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
By comparing them it's easy to see that you correct the stack with 6 bytes too little.
Anders Eriksson
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