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Re: adpcm or similar?
Posted by: earx May,29.2006-08:57 

That's good news. =) I also worked on some ADPCM stuff (VAG) and it to work quite nicely. I got it running at 1:3.75 compression ratio. I can hear no quality loss.. Now did a DSP decoder for it, which uses about 3% DSP time and 2 kwords of RAM. I can try the AMI also. It looks comparable.

BTW Ultra did a VAG-for-graphics test and that looked a bit messy around the edges, funny to see =)

As for the MP2: some profiling shows that the DCT routs are the biggest time consumers in the decoder. for instance: the track from beams (64 kpbs, mono, 32.768 kHz) took:

a) 3% for dma transfers
b) 5% for look-ups and bitfield operations
c) 20% for DCT routs

a) and b) may be further optimised, but c) consists of really dense loops. very optimised, already. maybe a few percent are possible.. but anyway.. you'll stay at a higher dsp time than an 8 chan mod, that's for sure..

and way way higher than ADPCM streaming ;)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
adpcm or similar? mikro May,21.2006-15:19
  Re: adpcm or similar? stghost May,21.2006-22:26
    Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,22.2006-09:20
      Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,22.2006-12:38
        Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,22.2006-13:06
          Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,22.2006-13:24
            Re: adpcm or similar? ray May,22.2006-19:09
              Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,22.2006-22:48
              Re: adpcm or similar? gizmo May,23.2006-08:09
                Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,23.2006-10:25
                  Re: adpcm or similar? gizmo May,23.2006-20:23
                Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,23.2006-10:30
              Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,23.2006-10:35
      Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,27.2006-01:12
        Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,27.2006-01:17
          Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,27.2006-01:19
        Re: adpcm or similar? gizmo May,27.2006-10:45
          Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,28.2006-14:24
            Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,29.2006-08:57
              Re: adpcm or similar? sqward May,29.2006-09:51
                Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,29.2006-12:31
                Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,29.2006-13:18
                  Re: adpcm or similar? sqward May,29.2006-14:13
                  Re: adpcm or similar? sqward May,29.2006-14:19
                    Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,30.2006-13:45
                      Re: adpcm or similar? earx May,30.2006-16:28
                        Re: adpcm or similar? mikro May,31.2006-14:19
                          Re: adpcm or similar? gwEm May,31.2006-17:59
                            Re: adpcm or similar? ggn/KUA May,31.2006-22:26
                              Re: adpcm or similar? gwEm Jun,06.2006-09:52
                                Re: adpcm or similar? gwEm Jun,06.2006-10:03

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