Atari coding BBS
porting XIF driver to MIF prob |
Posted by: hencox
I tried the EtherNat XIF driver under MagicNet the other day, but it would just give me the infamous "GEMDOS ERROR. SYSTEM ANGEHALTEN" failure message. I then changed the Mint kernel specific c_conws() calls to the real Cconws() and skipped the ksprintf() I had used and now I see that at least driver_init() completes successfully. I've added debug printouts in the beginning of my functions, but I only see that driver_init() is called successfully and no other function is then called before I get the "GEMDOS ERROR. SYSTEM ANGEHALTEN" again.
I can't understand what is causing this because I don't have any more instances of c_conws() or ksprintf() or anything else that doesn't look like standard TOS calls in any of the functions. Could it be my interrupt vector...?
If anyone has any experience of porting XIF drivers to MIF (shouldn't need any porting actually) please help me! Maybe Frank Naumann is the guy to call here... :)
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