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Showing news from 2015-01-01 to 2015-12-31
Showing 22 articles
Holiday releases December 31st, 2015
We've been a bit busy during the holidays, so here comes a quick overview of new stuff that has arrived.

First up is a new version of R-Type Deluxe by Bod and friends. This new version new features the full game to be played. Graphics conversion by Templeton and Unseen Menace and soundtrack conversion by Dma-Sc.

Next is a nice christmas demo by Excellence in Art and Acca. It comes in source form only, and needs to be assembled with the inlcuded rmac assembler. Rmac is an assembler with heritage from the early madmac days and is cross platform. Rmac is developed by Reboot. A good vasm alternative perhaps?

And finally, SH3 of the Reservoir Gods/Reboot released a new Jaguar demo called WIggle using the Raptor library and rB+. The demo is an invitation for Sommarhack 2016, and we'd like to thank SH3 a lot for creating it!
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Fujiology Archive V2.1 is out December 31st, 2015
Lotek Style of .tSCc. writes:

.tSCc. is EXTREMELY proud to present you the biggest Atari Demo Scene archive there is entitled: Fujiology Archive V2.1. Based on the ashes of the No Fragments CD-series we gathered together as many Atari Scene releases we could find. The archive was compiled by yours truly (Lotek Style) mostly during the last three years.

The collection comes on a 64 GB SDXC Card and is now about 62 GB in size. Why is it so big? Simply because it combines nearly all of my previous projects under one banner. It now features 11 sections: 8bit, Falcon, Graphics, Jaguar, Lynx, Magazines, Music, Parties, ST, TT and VCS.

* 2.969 8bit Prods (everything is in .ATR or .XEX or .SAP or .PNG)
* 1.393 Falcon Prods
* 7.867 Graphics (Native atari format if available plus .PNG conversion)
* 492 Jaguar Prods
* 7 Lynx Prods
* 3.286 Magazines (ST, Falcon, Html and Textbased mags)
* 14.043 Fading Twilight (other music archives are SNDH and ASMA which are kind of a bonus because I do not maintain them)
* 26.324 Partyarchive:
-all atari graphics have a PNG/GIF-conversion
-most musics have a SND/SAP/MP3 conversion
-everything single parted
-kept original as possible
* 14.644 ST/E Prods
* 22 TT Prods
* 212 VCS Prods

If you find any bugs or have missing files (marked yellow in the database)
don’t hesitate to contact me.

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STNICCC 2015 releases December 20th, 2015
Some minutes after the compos have ended at STNICCC, we hear of quite a bit of releases. For example, demos from Pixel Twins (DML), Cream, Spiceboys, Checkpoint, Atari Boys, Dino, Effect and Hemoroids.

Hopefully they'll show up in the near future, keep checking out the Demozoo page.

Update 2015-12-29

By now, most productions are available from the Demozoo page and we have videos at VideoDB for a bunch of them in full framerate and full hd. We're still awating for the demos from Hemoroids, No Extra and SYNC to arrive. Something we can look forward to!

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Atari ST Invite for STNICCC 2015 December 3rd, 2015
A new invitation for the upcoming STNICCC 2015 party was released a few minutes ago. There have a been a few invites already, but here is finally one that will run on an Atari.

The guys of Checkpoint have made a tribute-screen to a classic ST demo, defjam and lsl going into major overscan trickery with graphics by ST Survivor and some taken from the original demo.
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Bunch of new releases from GCWDDI party November 8th, 2015
Last night there was a little party somewhere in the dark forests of Sweden where a one-bitplane demo competition took place.

The compo rules stated;
- Two colours on the screen, should be the same colours throughout the demo
- One channel music

And, the best rule of them all;
- You may break any rules

We were treated with six releases, two from the 25-years-retired group Ghost of Phalanx. Yes, the old pioneers are on the rise.
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Celebrating Back To The Future day October 21st, 2015
We celebrate Back To the Future-day the 21st of October with a brand new and original Timbral track called Speed Of Time. Created in ACE Tracker 2 on the Falcon.

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New demo from Lamers September 7th, 2015
A new Atari STe demo saw the light of day at the Riverwash party in Poland. Lamers won the first prize in the oldskool demo compo.

The demo is called Satan Stole My Atari and is a heavy-metal themed production. Code my MKM, music by Vlx and graphics by Atom.
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Rebirth harddrive fix August 25th, 2015
GGN / D-Bug released a much needed harddrive fix for the Cybernetics Sommarhack 2015 demo 'Rebirth'.

Previously the demo only worked with two floppy drives and was still hard to get running properly due to very tight timings. GGN to the rescue and we can now feed it to our precious Ultrasatans or Cosmosexes.

Along with the harddrive fix is a really neat cracktro by Aggression, with code, music and font by !Cube and a very nice D-Bug logo by Frost/Tulou.
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Checkpoint releases Sommarhack demo August 8th, 2015
We've been waiting for this one a little bit, but now finally Checkpoints demo from Sommarhack 2015 is here.

The demo is called 'Pulse', it works on normal ST and features SPKR, mOdmate, 505 and Ukko doing some of their best work ever.

Download it, feed your ST and enjoy!
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Checkpoint releases STe demo at Evoke August 2nd, 2015
While we're patiently (?) waiting for the Pulse demo by Checkpoint, they surprisingly released another one at the Evoke 2015 party yesterday.

The demo is called 'Thunderdome - The Demo - Making Of and Lost scenes' and will run on an STe with 4 MB and harddrive.
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SNDH-archive v4.5 released August 1st, 2015
Grazey writes:

V4.5 (August 1, 2015) - Yorkshire day!

355 new/updated SNDH files (1731 subtunes).

Finally, after over a year we update the SNDH archive to v4.5.

Quick highlights :-

+ Sierra games included - Leisure Suit Larry etc
+ Barry Leitch driver updated - Superior sound quality
+ Unreleased ancient Mad Max track
+ Dave Lowe digi musics - Carrier Command, Afterburner etc
+ gwEm's Kraftwerk music - two versions
+ Many song lengths added by bober, thanks!

A much more comprehensive account of this release are contained in Grazey's blog.

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Cho Ren Sha 68k beta 1 released for Falcon July 19th, 2015
Anima (ex. Percy / Light) released the first beta of his X68000 Falcon-conversion of the shooter game Cho Ren Sha 68k.

This is what Anima writes on his blog (copy/paste):

Here’s the first beta release of Cho Ren Sha 68k for the Atari Falcon030.


  • Atari Falcon030 with 14 MB RAM (alternative: 4 MB RAM and at least 8 MB Fast-RAM. Please try to boot without accessories and auto folder programs and/or a lower desktop video mode if the program hangs on startup).


  • Jaguar Pad/Power Pad.
  • TV/RGB and VGA.


  • DSP assisted sprite engine.
  • Up to 65536 colours.
  • Gameplay recording and replay.
  • Highscore saving.


  • The first beta does not support accelerated machines.
  • Scrolling will be added later.
  • No in game music. :(
  • Should work with an accelerator which guarantees the synchronisation between CPU and DSP (Nemesis, Phantom, Skunk(?), …).
  • Use the arrow keys and the LEFT SHIFT and CONTROL keys if you don’t have a joystick attached.
  • Sample replay seems to have some problems within the menu.

    Known issues so far:

  • Please use a “non ST compatible” screen mode before starting the game to avoid a garbled display after exiting the game.
  • Needs an original TOS version (like TOS 4.02) due to the usage of the DSP interface.
  • Be careful with the “in game settings” to prevent a game freeze.

    Please note that there’s a special binary for the Hatari emulator (older versions) in case you’re having display problems.

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    No Extra releases VIP 2015 winner demo July 8th, 2015
    The summer continue to deliver the goods.

    No Extra just released their awaited winning demo "Smoke Town" from the V.I.P. party earlier in May. Many screens, great soundtrack and good graphics awaits you in this STe-demo.
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    Sommarhack 2015 debrief July 5th, 2015
    The 2015 edition of Sommarhack has now come to an end after an extremely hot weekend. The barbecue gods were with us as always and we got to see some nice Atari hacking. Or what about a GCC compiled TOS 4 that works on STe or a new Supervidel racing game?

    There were two game competitions held, a repeat from the success last year. This time we ran Crapman on the ST and Super Cobra on the XL. GGN humiliated the rest while playing Crapman - playing with one hand while talking to people and still beating the second best player by a multiple of five. In Super Cobra it didn't look much different. All bow to the classic Atari-gamer #1, GGN!

    As for the demoscene side, we had a nice competition with a total of thirteen entries, which of six were in the demo/intro category. Some big surprises such as the comeback from Cybernetics (20+ years since their last demo!) and new ST musicians sending in contributions. Thanks to all of you for supporting us!

    Almost all releases are already available, and the few remaining will see a release over the summer.
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    Quake 2 on Falcon DSP June 16th, 2015
    Some of you may have been following the progress of dml's effort to create a Quake 2-engine for a standard Falcon using the DSP to it's fullest. What quite frankly sounded like a silly idea from the beginning.

    The first rude line-vector testings of the Quake 2 code sort of illustrated why it all sounded silly. But every now and then, a new test-video was uploaded showing better quality rendering and along with that also better refresh rates, how often do we get that these days?!

    Now, about ten months from the earliest test, dml have released a binary that can be run on a real Falcon for everyone to try out. What you have here is nothing but a revelation that will show what the Falcon with DSP utilized almost to the max can do.

    The Quake 2 DSP engine renders perspective correct polygons with colour-lightmaps, skymaps and what we understand circa 700 polygons in a normal frame. It's unprecedented for the Falcon to do these things without using an accelerator card.

    Hats off to Doug!
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    Trans D-Bug Express May 19th, 2015
    Grazey writes:

    PHF/D-Bug/Kua/Live co-production!

    We have lots of little internal utilities stashed on our hard-drives. One of which sees the light of day with a lick of paint and some added polish.
    Released at Outline 2015 but not making the compos as we did not know which category to enter it in! TDE is a little MSA imager which has many advantages
    over existing programs including lush Ukko graphics and industrial Kraftwerk sonics by gwEm. See readme for full docs.

    Update June 15: v1.03 released. Download link updated.
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    Reboot releases Jaguar demo May 17th, 2015
    At the Outline 2015 party, Reboot released a new demo for the Jaguar called "Cloudy with a chance of metaballs".

    The demo showcases Reboots basic for the Jaguar called RaptorBasicPlus making use of the Raptor library for accessing the Jaguar custom hardware in an easy way.
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    Sommarhack 2015 invite May 16th, 2015
    SPKR, mOdmate and 505 are back with a new Atari ST intro.

    This time around it is an invitation to the forthcoming Sommarhack 2015 party in Sweden. We would like to thank the Checkpoint guys for doing this fine invite!
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    Effect makes quick return with new menu March 11th, 2015
    Just a couple weeks off their previous Industrially Safe Demo Disk #35, Effect are back with.. Yeah you guessed it, Industrially Safe Demo Demo #36!

    Features an intro with several demo parts, this is how we like it :)
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    Effect releases new demo menu February 24th, 2015
    A menu disk packed with new and old demos was released by Effect yesterday called Industrially Safe Demo Disk #35.

    The intro was coded by Bod.
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    Checkpoint back with new STe-release February 20th, 2015
    The Checkpoint manouver to take over the Atariscene is continuing.
    Today they released their first demo for STe, and it is a celebration of ten years of

    The demo runs from harddrive and streams audio in realtime, also works on Falcon.
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    Rift for Falcon 060 January 5th, 2015
    People attending Sillyventure 2014 could see the Falcon version of Rift on display on the big screen.

    Today Kalms of TBL made the demo available for download. Check out the video if you do not have a Falcon to run it.
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    © 1994-2025 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson