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Showing news from 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31
Showing 47 articles
Paradize releases Kolmik - Deluxe Edition December 24th, 2010
Cooper of Paradize writes:
All the Paradize team wish you an happy X-mas 2010 and an early happy new year.

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Noise 2011 December 23rd, 2010
MiKRO of Mystic Bytes writes:
Greetings Atarians, from 8-bit to Jaguar!

It has been 5 years since our Noise Easter demo party was held. Though number of visitors wasn't counted in hundreds, we have really enjoyed it even as organizers and judging from party reports by our visitors, it seems it was success in their eyes as well.

Nearly five years have passed. We could attend many great parties during that period, be it in Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Poland or Slovakia. And after each of such party, we've asked ourselves: really it is so crazy to organize own party again?

So we've made this humble website: to know your interest. Just click if you would be interested or not... you'll find here also photos, reports and released stuff from the 2006 edition.

Looking forward to your feedback!

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SNDH archive v3.2 released December 17th, 2010
64 new/updated SNDH files (157 tunes).

Well the SNDH archive gets a winter smattering of tunes to keep you warm and toastie on these cold evenings.

The archive now contains a mighty 6464 tunes! An apt total for a release I would say.

I've delved once again ripping some old tunes plus we are bang up-to-date with cracking hot stuff by !Cube, 505,Tomchi, DMA-SC, Yerzmyey Tao and Divag.

A 'new' composer worthy of a mention is Jean Baudlot who was prolific in the busy ST days giving tunes to classics such as Future Wars, Operation Wolf and Cruise for a Corpse.

As usual we bring a few exclusives, most notable is the ultra rare Mad Max conversion of Rob Hubbard's Skate or Die!

Finally I found a crop of old Tri-Sound songs which you'll find in the unknown folder. Please contact the SNDH team if you can identify the composer.

The next SNDH update will be quite different, you'll see why on release!
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Ancient lost TEX demo resurrected December 14th, 2010
Grazey of the PHF have got some vintage (1987!) unreleased stuff from The Exceptions. One of the things is a very old digi-music screen by Mad Max to showcase the new routines for Electronic Arts. It's a conversion of the Skate or die! title screen.

It was sent in to the Sillyventure 2010 compo for old unreleased demos.
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New STe demo from Paradox December 14th, 2010
The Paradox crew have finished a new demo for the STe called Sventure.
The demo features graphics by Zweckform and Dan, music by 505 and code by Paranoid and RA.
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Zerkman strikes back on the ST December 14th, 2010
After eons of awaytime, Zerkman of Sector One is back with a new 4k intro for the ST called Coast 2 Coast.
Fullscreen effects, fractals and a nice chipzik by Dma-Sc, all in just 4k!
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Checkpoint releases new demo December 13th, 2010
Defjam and 505 of Checkpoint have been busy making a new Atari ST demo that was released at Sillyventure 2010.

It's called Visualize and consists of many nice parts.
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Noice releases VCS/2600 intro December 12th, 2010
Shadow of Noice (mostly known for his Commodore prods) has coded his first Atari 2600/VCS intro for the Sillyventure 2010 party. The intro is called SIllyFiller and consists of two effects and a nice tune.

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Sillythings Atari XL/XE demo December 12th, 2010
SIllythings, a new demo for the Atari XL/XE was released at the Sillyventure 2010 party.

The demo features several parts, code by Jac!, graphics by Ooz and finally music by 505.
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Trilobit returns with new VCS/2600 demo December 12th, 2010
Another new Atari VCS/2600 demo from Sillyventure 2010 is out.
This time Trilobits presents another nice VCS/2600 demo called Saigon with several nice effects.

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gwEm publishes maxYMIser file format November 20th, 2010
As a lot of people have been asking gwEm about the file format lately, he have now worked out a doc with complele infos and made it available.
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More Sillyventure news November 20th, 2010
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:
Silly Venture 2k10 - Atari service at the party-place!

I am glad to inform You, that a well-known electronic wizard Lotharek will be present at the forthcoming Silly Venture 2k10 party. He will be offering his services!

So if you'd like to add some new hardware features to your Atari - just bring your machine along! More information on Lotharek products can be found at his official web-site.

Moreover, Lotharek has sponsored another prize for the SV2k10 competitions - USB Floppy Emulator!

Best regards!

Grey / Mystic Bytes
SV2k10 Organizer

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SIllyventure news November 10th, 2010
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:
(dated on 10.11.2010)

Here is the latest news concering the forth coming Silly Venture 2k10 party in Poland, dedicated to all Atari platforms:

First of all - remote entries are welcome ! If You cannot attend the party, take a part in the competition(s) from home!

We've received strong support from various active Atarians. Thanks to Nils Feske (505) we've been in touch with the president of "ABBUC" (ATARI Bit Byter User Club) - the biggest ATARI 8-bit User club worldwide. All "ABBUC" prizes are worth over 400 € !

Also "GR8 Software" - a still active game-developer for Atari XL/XE in Poland, has offered some cool games for compo contributors.

We've got also support from the 16/32/64-bit sector:

- Lotharek (polish hardware developer) has offered an "SD Floppy Emulator" for Atari ST.
- Paskud (polish hardware developer) has offered a "14 MB Memory Card" for Atari Falcon.
- Rodolphe Czuba (french hardware developer) has offered a CTPCI - PCI expand for CT60/63.
- Kevin Dempsey / Reboot (Atari Jaguar Development Team) - two new games for Jaguar (Superfly DX and Beebris)

And good news at the end - FREE KEGS OF GOOD QUALITY POLISH BEER AVAILABLE AT PARTY-PLACE ***FOR FREE*** for every SV2k10 visitor !


Grey / Mystic Bytes
SV2k10 Organizer

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ST-invite for Sillyventure 2010 released October 28th, 2010
Mystic Bytes have released a ST invite for the upcoming SIllyventure party.

Code by Klocek, graphics by Piesiu and music by Yerzmyey.
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No Fragments #12 released October 27th, 2010
Lotek Style of .tSCc. writes:
Welcome to archive twelve from the NO FRAGMENTS series. You will find here a lot of textbased ascii mags, cheats and lots of atari related docfiles. Like the last few discs this collection does not claim to be complete. It is "just" what I had found during the last years on my work on the NO FRAGMENTS series. There's not much more to say for now. Have fun with the archive. If there is some stuff missing or damaged, then please inform me or send me acurate versions and I will collect it for an update.

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Sillyventure 2010 invitation October 11th, 2010
Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:

Dear atari sceners splitted all over the globe (and beyond)!
Even if some people might think, that organizing Atari-only parties in 21st century is a real "Silly Venture" we say, who cares about labels; let's meet once again and prove them how "Silly" we are! :)

But this time - much HARDER & LOUDER!

After 2 editions of SV and reached x-perience, I have the pleasure of inviting you once again to the 3rd edition of the party which will be held in Winter 2010, from 10th to 12th day of December (it's possible to come one day earlier, though).

The party is dedicated to all Atari platforms -

Beginning on A2600, through XL/XE, ST/STe, TT and Falcon 030/CT060 series, ending on the Jaguar and Atari clones.

Do You still feel the Atari heartbeat... ?

Would like to share your passion with others... ?

SV2k10 - 100% atari spirit but this time in 2010 !

So come along to Silly Venture - Let's keep the Atari flag flying in 2010 !

signing off,

Grey / Mystic Bytes

SV2k10 invitro for Atari ST/STe will be released this month !

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Sundown 2010 party report October 9th, 2010
CiH of the Alive team sent in a video-report from the Sundown 2010 party.

Sorry Chris for the delay.
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YM Digital releases album October 9th, 2010
A new music album with digital music composed on the ST has been released by 'YM Digital', a crew with Factor 6 and Yerzmyey. The album is called 'Extreme Lo-Fi'.

Nine tracks with 4-channel digital YM-songs and one bonus song from the STe with 8-channels. The album is released as mp3, hopefully the modules will be available later.
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New Torment release September 7th, 2010
Torment released a chip-music demo for the ST today. It competed at Sundown 2010 and is Spinys first demo he have coded in assembler.

'Chippery' features three new maxYMiser tracks by Rhino.
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Timbral plays live at Evoke 2010 August 31st, 2010
While most of us in DHS are on a break, Timbral raises the flag and goes to germany.

Timbral played live at Evoke 2010 and m0d (of modarchive) recorded most of the liveset (thanks!). It's an excellent set of YM tracks, download the 35 minute recording and enjoy!
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Old forgotten pics from Fried Bits August 22nd, 2010
Damo of Reservoir Gods writes:

My friend from the "good old days" dug out some pics from when he visited Fried Bits back in... hmm not even sure, I think we were about 16 so maybe 93?  Dunno if thats correct but anyway!  I didn't know what to do with them so I thought i'd scan them and fire them your way - perhaps someone might enjoy looking at old blurry snaps of old demo parties ;)

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Paradox celebrates junior member July 9th, 2010
The Paradox guys have put together a little STe-intro to celebrate the birth of RA/Paradox daughter.
The intro features blitter, scaling, screensplitting and a nice maxYMiser soundtrack by 505.

Congratz RA!
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BiTS releases new STe prod at Sommarhack July 4th, 2010
BiTS released a new STe prod at Sommarhack 2010.
It's a multipart demo with various effects.
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DHS releases compofiller at Sommarhack July 4th, 2010
Yeap we've been working on and off for a compo filler demo for Sommarhack 2010.
We didn't manage to iron out everything in time, so what you get is a party version with bugs, too much hardware requirement and disk space.

We might do a final version sometime later..
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Invizibles forgotten screen released at Sommarhack July 4th, 2010
At the Nordic Atari Show we met one of Invizibles graphicsmen from way back in time (now more known for his Falcon and Jaguar graphics under the handle Bear). He showed us an old screen that was never released we agreed that showing it in the Sommarhack 2010 compo would be a good idea.
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Excellence in Art releases three STe prods at Sommarhack July 4th, 2010
No less than three new prods from Excellence in Art was released last night at Sommarhack.

First up is a sample collection for Protracker (and other trackers) with high quality samples. It goes with an STe-intro to present the collection.

The next prod is a slideshow with photographs from Sommarhack 2010 with commentary.

And finally, the big followup to Talk Talk from 1993 was released. It's a big demo for four meg STe machines. Preferably watched with harddrive, or wait for all four floppydisks to load! :-)
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VBCC GEM shell released June 22nd, 2010
Orion_ of Paradize has released a GEM shell for the VBCC compiler/assembler.

This is the description from Orions website:

This is a GEM frontend for the VBCC compiler in a form of a Desktop Accessory.
It allows you to create project files to automatically compile your programs in one click with a nice GEM interface.
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New cracktro from Aggression June 7th, 2010
Aggression is back after what feels like forever.

!Cube of Aggression have coded a nice ST-cracktro for D-Bug's recent Prince of Persia harddisk fix. The cracktro also features an original chiptune by !Cube.
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New release from Syntax May 26th, 2010
After what I think is years of silence, Syntax sent us a new ST-release.
It's not a demo, it's not a utility.. Syntax themself describe it as a "Virtual presentation of a solar system".
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LowRes Magazine 3 is out May 15th, 2010
LowRes released their third issue of their Atari web magazine today.

There's a lot of content to read this time, among other things an interview with Reboot, Outline 2010 report, demo reviews and updates of new GEM apps.
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CiH releases CD-ROM May 8th, 2010
CiH writes:
Howdy doody, it's that "thing" I've muttered about for months. It's finally been released shortly after the Outline 2010 Party. This is the 'Random Images' CD Rom collection for the Atari ST, STE, Mega STE, TT and Falcon.

This ISO image contains a shedload of 'random images' lovingly converted to Targa format for easy viewing on these machines. There are also a bunch of equally random animated GIF files included as well for your enjoyment with some tools to view them on an Atari MC68K series near you. It is MS-DOS format, and Atari ST CD-ROM drive friendly.

This is not really a 'demoscene' release, although it has been shown at the Outline 2010 demo party, it namechecks a popular thread from, it has used some material from that thread, and its companion, 'Random Animated GIF's', and it also uses some material more directly from that source in the form of logo's and the tiny 16 x 16 avatar GIF files.

Glad that's clear..

This is is the culmination of over a year's worth of net-grubbing and more or less careful collecting and picture sorting activity and comes to you from CiH at the Outline Party in April 2010.

CiH - 7.5.10 - The hangover morning after the UK election night!

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Positivity releases new bootsector intro May 3rd, 2010
Positivity with the help of X-Troll released a new ST bootsector intro at Outline.

It's a spline with 768 dots running at full frame rate. Background sound by Cyclone of X-Troll.
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Reboot releases new Jaguar game May 3rd, 2010
At Outline 2010 Reboot released a much upgraded Atari Jaguar version of the classic ST-game Superfly.

Superfly DX is made by Cyrano Jones, GGN, SH3 and MSG.
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Paradox releases three bootsector intros May 3rd, 2010
No less than three new bootsector intros from Paradox at Outline 2010.

Boot Dis! is a substract-effect bootsector for STe. Blueboot mimicks your everyday life and Binary is a bootsector with music and even a bit of graphics.
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DHS releases Sommarhack 2010 invite May 3rd, 2010
A little bit delayed, but here's our invite intro for Sommarhack 2010.

You need an STe with 2MB or more to run it. Emulators will have various succes. Unfortenly there is a code/shifter sync issue on Mega STe (at least ours) which prevents it from working fully on such a machine.
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BiTS releases intro at Outline May 2nd, 2010
A little intro from BiTS was released at Outline 2010 for the ST.

It features a bunch of bending scrollers filing up the screen. I quite like this one actually, if it only could have a decent soundtrack :-)
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No Fragments #11 released May 1st, 2010
Lotek Style of .tSCc. writes:
Dear atarians.

Welcome to archive eleven from the NO FRAGMENTS series. You will find here almost all releases of the last few years atari related demoparties. I also added some updates from previous years. I had to leave out animations from the outline parties due to space problems. Also I had to juggle a bit with a few other files and left out several party photos which you will see soon online.

Not much more to say for now as I want to finish this thing off for Outline. If there is some stuff missing or damaged, then please inform me or send me acurate versions and I will collect it for an update.

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SNDH Archive v3.1 released April 30th, 2010
Grazey of PHF writes:
103 new or fixed SNDH files (156 tunes).

It's Outline again!

So once again a couple of months before the party my D-Bug activities take a back seat and music ripping comes to the fore!

Again it's a real mixed bag with all the tunes from the recent 20 year old STE demo and the show stopping tunes from last years Checkpoint demo.

We still like to throw a spanner in the works so I've started ripping ancient tunes from Automation menus 1-30, I'm sure you'll look forward to these!

There's also a rare Mad Max tune featuring one of his early digi-drum tunes. Speaking of Mad Max expect some very rare unreleased stuff soon as well!

Thanks must go to those musicians who keep us up to date with their work, so big thanks to Cerror, 505 and Ultrasyd!

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Atari Headquarters 2010 April 27th, 2010
Results and stuff from Atari Headquarters 2010 party.

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No Fragments #10 released April 27th, 2010
Lotek Style of .tSCc. writes:
Welcome to archive ten from the NO FRAGMENTS series. This archive covers DISK MAGAZINES for ST and FALCON. You can find over 700 issues of various atari diskmags on this CD-ROM. The release was already planned some years ago but I was not able to find some issues of various diskmags. Instead of letting the project die I am releasing the current status of the archive.

I regret that this isn't a 100% complete archive but as I mentioned in previous issues my time and motivation are running out. Also the low response these days doesn't make me feel that many people who are still out there acknowledge what I am doing or really need these archives anymore. Maybe I am wrong but this is my impression.

If there is some stuff missing or damaged, then please inform me or send me acurate versions and I will collect it for an update. If I ever will make one. I doubt the relevance of CD-ROM archives is really still there in the year 2010. The future lies in online web collections like Atarimania. If you still feel the passion you should stay atari but if not it is time to move on.

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Outline 2010 invite released! March 30th, 2010
Defjam of Checkpoint writes:

Hello folks !

Here's the Atari - invitation intro for Outline 2010.
Tested on ST,STE & Falcon 030.

Have fun !

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Oxygene releases Amiga Demo 2 sources March 3rd, 2010
Leonard of Oxygene writes:

As promised long time ago, I release the source code of AMIGA Demo 2. At the same time I release my Demo-System toolchain, so you can build Amiga demo MSA file with your PC only. More details in the ZIP file.

Key features:
- The toolchain work on windows plateforme (you can assemble, build the final disk and run it on emulator using PC only)
- The kernel works on STf, STE, MegaSTE, TT, Falcon and Falcon CT60
- The demo disk generated support HDD loading (just copy a small HdLoad.prg file near the MSA file)

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DHS releases a new Falcon musicdemo March 1st, 2010
Hi guys, to break the silence we've made a small musicdemo called Amanita.

The musicdemo is for Falcon with 14 MB ST-RAM and contain three different songs and unique graphics for each song. Everything except the coding is made by our latest member Proteque.

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Atari ST MOD compo February 23rd, 2010
Yerzmyey of H-PRG writes:


Name of the party: "Atari Headquarters"
Time of the party: 9-11 April 2010.
If the Krakow city is near to You - then just come. :)

Well, we think that Atari ST should not be forgotten.

So there will be a standard 4-chnls MOD compo for Atari ST, on the party. (YM / AY chip, no STe!!).
Compo-machine: Atari 520 STfm 1Mb.

You can send any of Your old MODs but only not-published before ones.

Music can be played from two programs:

DigiComposer and
ProTracker ST

Seems like DigiComposer doesn't read "jump to pattern" command.
Seems like ProTracker ST doesn't read "tremolo" command.

The best would be a MOD about 200Kb or smaller.
You can make MODs up to about 380Kb, I suspect, but REMEMBER that ONLY ProTracker ST can play such big MODs (well, no "tremolo" command then, but there's still a possibility to make a twice faster MOD to achieve the tremolo/quaver effect).

You can make Your MOD on any machine but PLEASE TEST YOUR MOD on Atari ST (or emul) on both trackers before sending it to me and check out if everything's
Pick up some tracker and INFORM ME about what editor You chosen.

Send Your MODs to: yerzmyey AT
DEADLINE is: 7 April 2010.

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Outline registration open February 23rd, 2010
Havoc of Lineout writes:

As of today, registration and ticket payment details on our website have gone public. If you intend to visit the party, please register. To secure a sleepingplace in one of our comfy sleepingrooms, make your payment as soon as possible- only owners of the first 100 paid tickets who express their desire for a bed via the registration form will be granted access to this area.

The maximum number of visitors is limited to 130. We expect there will once again be a number of people who prefer to sleep in tents or at hotels, so hopefully noone will be forced to sleep under their tables. However, should anyone find themselves in such unfortunate circumstances come partytime, compensation of any kind will regretfully not be possible.

Just to remind you, last year we had well over a hundred visitors, many of whom made their intentions to return this year know through various channels. We rely on you, the Atari demoscene community, to preserve Outline's signature atmosphere. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please feel free to contact us using one of the options described on our website.

See you in Eersel!

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GemPlay 1.95 released January 22nd, 2010
SWE of YesCrew writes:

It was too long since i've used this machine, forgot how damn cool it is :D! Finnaly got some time and also will. I've added quazi flextracker support (no dsp efects, just mod par...), did some bugfixes..

Also, it now has database, which counts popularity and store users rating of tunes... ctrl/d display database.. still crude, but i'm going toward flexible playlist... Also, intro mode and quick SNDH tunes browser should now work as they should...

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Sidetracked music demo from Collapze January 22nd, 2010
Speechless of Collapze (ex. Opus) released a new music demo for the Falcon a couple of days ago.

The musicdemo is called 'Sidetracked' and constists of eight Graoumf Tracker modules and an interface programmed in GFA Basic.
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