Showing news from 2004-01-01 to 2004-12-31 Showing 172 articles
A Dungeon Master clone, begun in 1989, continues in 1992 and finished in 2004. Yes, it's time for more resurrected projects.
Multi-talented frenchie Kermel Laurent have released a six-level version of his latest game entitles 'Wiliness III'. The game is, as described a Dungeon Master inspired game. By looking at the screenshots, it seems very promising, with graphics which probably takes the original Dungeon Master out for a run.
» Download Wiliness III Disk 1/2 » Download Wiliness III Disk 2/2 » Watch a few screenshots of Wiliness III
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Ok, here's a little roundup of small things we've missed the past few days.
First up is a little intro from The Beasts Crew, cleverly entitled 'TS1'. It's a christmas intro with a picture, scoller, some rasters and a small tune.
Secondly, we have a fake demo, which seems to be originating from Sector One and Paradize, programmed in GFA Basic. It's called 'Kro'. It competed in the 'worst' demo competition at the Crau party 2004.
Thirdly, the beasts are here again with (yet) another intro. This time featuring rasters, scrollers and a duck sprite. Their naming originality reaches new heights with the title of 'TBC11'.
And lastly, today gwEm submitted a fixed version of his online compo intro (maxYMiser - the directors cut) and the SNDH file of the same track. The updated files shouldn't crash any longer.
You can download the lot of the files below.
» Download TS1 by The Beasts Crew » Download Kro by Le Secteur Un & Le Paradis » Download TBC11 by The Beasts Crew » Download maxYMiser - the directors cut intro by gwEm » Download maxYMiser SNDH file by gwEm
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Foundation Two from germany just released a new game for the Falcon titled 'Ausbruch'. It was previously shown at the Outline party under the working title of STeinbruch.
The game is coded by Mad Butscher with graphics by Cerror and music by Lotek Style.
» Download Ausbruch
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STU / Drop Da Bomb, whoms first MusicMon 2 SID tunes we could hear in the release of the tracker today, has just lauched a new massive YM-release. It's a web-stream with 2x30minutes of music. Yes you read right, one full hour of YM godness!
The tracks are mixed into two tape sides with some very various styles, excellent stuff all over! The tracks are, not too surpricingly, using the new MusicMon 2 SID features.
Direct mp3-links added for those without m3u players.
» Direct link to Tape side A (mp3) » Direct link to Tape side B (mp3)
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Very unexpectedly, our news article submit just flashed up and it seems like Santa turned our way this christmas.
A new STe-demo from Paradox was just released, entitled 'XMAS-2004'. The demo is made by Paranoid, RA, Zweckform and 505. Paradox says the demo works on Falcon/RGB but recomends an STe for best results.
» Download Paradox XMAS-2004 for STe.
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As promised a few days ago, the upgraded version of the classic chiptracker MusicMon 2 is now available.
The new version, dubbed MusicMon 2 SID, features tripple sidvoices in combination with digidrums, something only older versions of Sid Sound Designer pulled off before (as far as I'm aware anyway).
For all ST chip musicans, this is a very nice christmas present! Some demo-tunes from Dark Angel and STU are included as well.
» Download MusicMon 2 SID » Download MusicMon 2 SID (.st diskimage)
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gwEm writes:
Nemo and gwEm present you with a little christmas stocking filler.
This application detects Falcon external DSP clocks (thanks to ST Ghost) and directs the audio matrix to use this clock and an external output (SP-DIF, FA-8 etc etc) with the YM chip sound output.
This gives superb recording quality, and it tested compatible with all popular chip sound applications that run on falcon.
» Download PSG-DIF
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Simon Sunnyboy of Paradize:
Today Paradize released a small tool for precalculating picture fading effects on STE. You can fade pictures to black, white, fade them back in and fade them to custom colors. The resulting fading can be saved as a block of ready-to-use step-by-step palettes saving you from the hazzle of reinventing the wheel by coding a yet-another fading routine.
Currently uncompressed DEGAS pictures and NEOCHROME pictures are supported.
The Fade Calculator always calculates STE fadings but the results are fully STFM compatible, only a bit rougher.
The tool works on Atari STFM/STE and Falcon 030 in ST-LOW and example sources in 68000 assembly and GFABASIC are included.
» Download Fadecalc from Paradize » Visit the Paradize site
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Simon Sunnyboy of Paradize writes:
The Paradize website has been updated.
You can find all contributions by Paradize to the 10 year DHS anniversary compo here as well as a small commented gallery with pictures of Paradize members and friends at Paracon 6.
The Paracon 6 pictures were made by Charon/Escape and are used with kind permission!
» Visit the Paradize site
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The Beasts, known from their infamous intros which all seems to be a copy of the other, has released another intro. Well, surprice surprice, this time it's not a single-screen any more, but rather some sort of multipart (you have to press space between screens).
Very minimalistic graphics, coding and music style. Something for the ones who can only tolerate total oldskool.
» Download TBC12
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The classic ST-composer and creator of Musicmon series of chipeditors, Dark Angel of Aura, annouces the upcoming release of Musicmon II SID.
The new version of Musicmon II will feature the following:
SID-voices on all 3 Channels simulteiously
Better compatibility with Falcon, Mega STE, etc.
Backwards compatible with Music-Mon 1.0 and 2.0
Dark Angel annouces that the new version of Musicmon II SID will be available for download here at dhs.nu on December 24! A nice christmas present for all chip musicans!
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Despite we normally doesn't do 8-bit news here, we'll do an exception for a very nice invite intro for the forthcoming Silly Venture party in Gdansk, Poland which takes place 17-19 december, 2004.
The intro looks very nice, and has neat and clean design. Well worth a download !
» Download the Silly Venture 2004 invite intro for Atari XL/XE
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Paulo Simoes, most known for the classic Overscan Demos has released a new screen for the ST. In good old tradition, it's another fullscreen. This time cramming in some quite technical things, such as an 8-channel module playing at 15kHz, lots of sprites and more, on plain ST of course.
» Download Panic by Paulo Simoes
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The upcoming commercial remix audio-cd of classic Atari ST tunes has now got an estimated release date: March 15, 2005.
Along with the estimated release-date we can now download a clip from a second remixed tune; Quick & Silva (original by Chris Hülsbeck).
In my own humble opinion, this one sounds alot better than the last clip (of a scavenger tune). But unfortenly still has some cheesy voice-samples..
» Download the example clip from Quick & Silva remix
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Grazey writes:
1990-1 was the year when I released my first music rip disk on the ST (GZH #1). 14 years later the series concludes with disks 37, 38 and 39. The most striking thing about this release is the definitive Mad Max collection (459 tunes)... now also nicely linked (e.g. 29 Turrican 2 tunes in one SNDH file) and Falcon/CT60(!) compatible.
On disk 39 you'll find my full SNDH list... I never realised I'd converted so many tunes... 2264 SNDH files euating to 4855 tunes.
see you
Grz of the P(-)F ?
» Download Grazeys hacks #37 » Download Grazeys hacks #38 » Download Grazeys hacks #39 » Visit the PHF site
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Paranoid of Paradox wrote a small after-part report on our bulletin, reproduced here with permission.
I just came home from cleaning up the location and packing everything up - Looks like all other fellows are still in transit. :-)
Personally, i enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere was really great, many people were being productive, we had a look on new Atari ST games, saw some of Earx' and Ray's curent doings, had some nice breakfast and in the end, Paranoia returned to an active state! They may have stopped doing demos, but now they make movies instead.
More details to follow ...
To sum it up, i think it was a success, and from what people told us, they were enjoying it, too - which is the most important thing.
The Paranoid
» Visit the Paracon site
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Old overscan-mad Gunstick of the ULM has returned with a new ST-release. As you've already watched the thumbnail you know what it is about.. Yep, another 16x16 2 bitplane sprite screen. With 238 sprites, it is not beating Leonards latest record..
It's nice to see old heroes returning, but hopefully we will see something else than a 16x16 screen later on? Cross your fingers, toes and hairs!
» Download 238 sprites by ULM
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As promised, the password for Leonards 16x16 screen he released last summer was passed to the public today. With this password you'll be able to see his (new) record of 268 sprites rather than his previous 220 and phantoms recent 221.
So, what is the password?
» Download the 268 sprites record
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Paranoid of Paradox have released the Paracon 6 invite (reminder) early this morning, with all this para going on, we'd expect some paranormal atari-activities at the party!
But back tot he release; it's a fine for ST-Falcon machines featuring tracker music and some good c2p effects and nice graphics.
» Download Paracon 6 reminder » Visit the Paracon website
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The club of interest is noticing:
A new screen with 16x16 2bpl sprites has been released. This time showing 221 of them, rather than the previous best of 220. A day of glory and exitement for the Atari community.
The 221-sprite screen was coded by Phantom. And has beaten Leonards previous record. We fear that a revenge is due.
» Download 221 sprites by Phantom
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Over the past weekend (nov 5-7) DHS arranged a small coding party in Falun Sweden called Falun Coding Konvention. We had expected around ten persons to arrive, and in the end eighteen persons showed up, which I guess can be considered 'well done'.
Among the guests we saw a big DHS lineup for the first time in a long time, Timbral, Dafvid, Loke, Crazy Q, Gizmo and Evil showed up. From other crews Deez of Evolution, Thomas and Freeco of New Beat, Robertk, Ajje and Ham of IMPonance, a new Jaguar developer called Jonas, Eliminator and friend from Psikorp were seen.
The party was quite active, Thomas were coding on the ACE replayer to something that could very well be 'the' version which will be released. Good stuff! Deez were coding on a 96k intro for the compo, and so were Gizmo of DHS. On a semi-atari related note Loke of DHS finished a native Aqua port of the SC68 replayer for MacOSX (which is capable of playing SNDH!), and it will be released in a few days.
All in all the party went pretty well, with guests as far away as england and spread around in sweden (stockholm, gothenburg, karlstad and so on).
» Watch a few pictures from Falun Coding Konvention
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505 writes:
The Silliventure 2k4 party is a demoparty for the Atari platform taking place this December in Gdansk, Poland. It is open for all Atari systems. You can read more details on the related website.
» Visit the Sillyventure site
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CiH writes:
The YM-Rockerz forthcoming next collection has a name. It will be called "tYMewarp".
According to the YM Rockerz support site, tunes are being collected, and the shell and graphics are on the way.
This should be special and cool, like all the previous YM-Rockerz label stuff! Can we hope for an early Xmas present?
» Visit YM Rockerz site
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gwEm has released two short demo-loops of his YM-tracker to come called 'MaxYMiser'. The example loops shows off what the tracker can do on one channel, where one of the loops really does sound like two or more.
gwEm tells us the tracker will be released further on, and it will be open source. Something to wait for!
» Download the 1-channel example loops
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When we thought boredom was over, we're hit with another 16x16 sprite screen. Amazing!
Mr Fuji writes:
This is not an attempt to break leonards sprite record, it doesn't follow the rules. But nonetheless it has 250 sprites, which is a good number. Phantom/V-Max who coded this one is also working on a version following the rules.
» Download the 16x16 screen by Phantom
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Earx of Lineout has released a new Virtual Light Machine system for the CT60 (or other powerful accelerators) today. The VLM comes with a miniwhip-style coding inviornment for coders who wants to use the background engine.
Earx writes:
A preview of the forthcoming virtual light machine, primarily intended for ct60, is released. It can play some plugins from the famous whip! Program, but it can also run new style plugins. A few of these are supplied.
Have fun!
» Download CT60 VLM from Lineout
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The plans of a new Atari party (small size) in Sweden was brought to public earlier today. The party is about kicking the swedish Atari-scene into activity again (may or may it not suceed, it's worth a try!).
The party is held in Falun, Dalarna, Sweden, about mid-country with about two hours travel from Stockholm and six hours from Gothenburg.
Check the link below for more infos and a little invite intro.
» Visit the page for Falun Coding Konvention
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Nemo writes:
ACE Midi Version 1.10 Released
Thomas of Newbeat has released a new version of ACE Midi. Here's the overview of fixes and features for this version:
Update: Mono/Poly-mode was implemented.
Update: Portamento was implemented.
Update: The sound engine was improved to work better with accelerators (for example AB40 and CT60).
Update: All interface graphics were converted to loose IFF files.
Update: Interface graphics were updated.
Update: Mouse acceleration and screen saver settings were moved to the MASTER section and are now saved in the master configuration file.
Update: A small window displaying the names of the currently loaded samples was implemented.
Update: The oscillator OFFSET parameter is now enabled in all mix modes.
Update: A small indicator was implemented in the MASTER section, displaying current number of voices in use.
Update: Parts of the final volume calculations were moved from CPU to DSP to improve accuracy.
Update: The filter tables were optimized to take less space in memory.
Update: Maximum number of voices possible increased to 20.
Bug fixed: Effects settings in the MASTER section was not always updated as they should have.
The new version was sent out to registered users via e-mail. Otherwise it's possible to log in to the Newbeat site and download it there as well as the updated manual. Good work!
» Visit New Beat to download or getting more infos » See a screenshot of ACE Midi
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Mr Fuji writes:
A preview intro of an upcoming game made by Cerebral Vortex is released. The game will be galled Poong.
This demo of the intro will only run on RGB/TV monitors.
» Download the Poong intro preview
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Mr Fuji writes:
Oldtime Atari games developer has released their ST and Falcon games as freeware, more exactly abandonware.
You can download the games from the link, but unfortenly the site is in french, but the games are in english.
» Visit the Logitron site for download
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Dan writes:
The time of year has come again to look towards the annual programming competition. We had some amazing entries last year. Hopefully we can all encourage past participants to join up again and maybe attract a few more people. Rules will stand as last year.
Deadline: 24:00 GMT December 28th
It runs in GEM in any resolution. - by this it just means that any resolution is acceptable. Not that it has to run in any resolution. An example would be that it might need at least 640x400 to run.
It can be a game or toy.
- I think you all know what a game is, a Toy is something that serves no purpose but to entertain. There are no goals, scores, etc.
No theme this year.
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Grazey of the P.H.F. has released another disk with ripped chipmusic files in SNDH-format.
Grazey writes:
Quite an effort with this disk... 27! composers, with some new unheard stuff like Spector, Illusion and Das.
Also some heavy fixing was involved especially with the Jess , Docland and Nexus 6 tunes.
Anyway, the end is near, just the Mad Max archive awaits. The good news is that I've already SNDH'd all his tunes now all I need to do it knock up an intro.
157 SNDH files
Composers :-
Ben Daglish
Jeremy Das
Chris Denman
Paul Lorraine
Dave Lowe
Nexus 6
Rude Kid
Chris Scudds
» Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #36 » Visit the P.H.F. site
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Okay, another sprite record, another gasp.. This one has 500 sprites, in three planes rather than the usual 200-300 in two planes. So where's the catch? It's one of those 'unlimited spites (plus clearing)' with cycling screen bufffers. So it's not compilant for the Leonards sprite compo.
» Download Limited by Paulo Simoes
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gwEm, mostly known from Ym Rockerz and the SNDH-conversion utilities have released a very unique and cool tool:
A special SNDH-player aimed for DJ performances. The util is called 'STJ' and you'll need two ST's to operate it.
This opens a new world for those who uses the ST for live performances, very good initiative gwEm!
gwEm writes:
Here is my SNDH player software for Atari ST. It is different from normal player software, having a selection of play functions specifically for DJs such as:
Fast cueing
Fast track load
Tempo adjustment
Code/design - gwEm
Title GFX - STSurvivor
» Download STJ v1.00 » Download long demo mix by gwEm » Visit the STJ site
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Grazey of the PHF has released another disk with many many SNDH-files for your listening pleasure.
Composers this time are:
Steve Barret
Jas C Brooke
Crazy Q
Lotek Style
David Whittaker
And some fixes from earlier disks ((Mark Cooksey, Scavenger, David Whittaker and Matt Furniss).
» Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #35 » Visit the PHF site
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We're happy to announce that our newest member Crazy Q has released his first thing in the DHS label.
It's a disk with samples aimed for chiptrackers with digidrum feature or normal soundtrackers. Samples from the following beatboxes are included:
Oberheim DMX
Linn LM-1
Korg DDD-1
Emu SP-12
Roland TR-808
Roland TR-909
The samples are in 8-bit mono format at 12229Hz frequency. Included on the disk is a tiny intro as well with an original triplex track from Crazy Q.
» Download Beatbox mania vol.1 by Crazy Q
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Leonard of Oxygene has opened a web page describing how to code ST-demos to be compatible with any ST, STe, MegaSTe, TT, Falcon and CT60.
The article focuses on bootfloppy demos and includes some example code.
» Visit the tutorial page of Leonard
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Simon Sunnyboy of Paradize writes:
I've begun the project of a generic GFABASIC tutorial.
It will teach the basics of GFABASIC, how to operate and how to handle its various commands. The current state is a rather simple webpage. I do not make it a complex page. It should stay as simple as it is and I'll probably make it downloadable chapter wise.
A basic first chapter with an introduction into the interpreter and the editor is ready.
This is work in progress so stay tuned!
Any comments welcome!
I hope it does help the community and I hope it will add a few more coders to the Atari ST scene.
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As you might have noticed, the Quast Atari-party in Poland were held a week ago, and gave us some really, really cool Atari 8-bit demos (if you havn't seen them, go do so now!).
But as we've seen the last few years, Quast 16/32-bit support has really dropped far down. No change this summer, one lonely intro from Satantronic was released. A 64k-intro for ST coded by Jookie of Satantronic. Features a c2p tunnel effect and (I belive) original music.
» Download Siurek
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Coder Steph of MJJ Prod found a game he made some years ago. Which he has now released. It's a minesweeper clone called Minefield.
Should work with any ST/STe, music by Jedi / Sector One.
» Download Minefield from MJJ Prod
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The guys of X-Troll has just released a (very-very) old demo, called 'The Longscreen'. Longscreen was initially made in 1988 (!) but due to missing data-disks it was never released, until now that is.
The demo scrolls alot of images in one frame while loading from floppy. It can hold 40 images per floppy. This version is slightly patched and a data-disk builder is included, as a bonus the sourcecode is also included. Works with ST/STe and TOS v1.x
» Download Long Screen by X-Troll » Visit the Long Screen webpage with emulator instructions
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This is a breif round-up of the latest happenings at DHS and a small party report from Little Computer People 2004.
Ok, we decided a couple of weeks ago that we'd check out the Little Computer People demo party this summer. It's a party for C64 and they wanna expand to every other -old- computer formats. They had arrangend compos for demo, music and graphics, in two categories; c64 and 'others'. That was probably a wise thing to do all things considered. We arrived just when the party opened on friday 30/7, and could select a good place which didn't seem to get very jammed during the party (oh boy we were wrong).
We packed up our Falcons, and just from the start a lot of people started looking strange at our monitors with those unfamiliar desktops and editors (thing/qed). People asked what on earth these things are, and we just said it's an Atari.. 'uhmm.. isn't that desktop green?'. Ahh well, the same question came a few dozen times, but very nice to see so many people being interested. Not only by the desktop colour, but also about the hardware, the OS and if there are new demos still being made.
As time go by, other well known Atari guys drop in, Crazy Q and Nerve to be precise. Also Mermaid of Creators and Dbug II fom NeXT shows up in the car with Nerve. The place fills up until there are close to no space left. Loads of C64's. More than I've seen at once before. Pretty cool, after all these guys bring their real machines and code them. No emushit.
The party is oldskool, not only so by the machines of choice, but also the way it is organised. Get a place, tables, chairs and pack as many people os possible there. Proper sleeping places, showers, food orders etc are as long away as it can be. No EIL luxury here, it's back to basics, like I remember parties from 80's and beginning of the 90's. But let's face it.. We're growing old and getting lazy, comfortable and frankly used to better standards. So I would recomend future visitors to get a cheap hotel or so to sleep at. Luckily we had a few friends living in the town so we could crash and clean up there (huge thanks to TAM/Toys and JAG/DTVM for their excellent housing and Ajje/IMP for the taxi service!).
Ok, saturday night, compo time. We're desperately trying to get a demo ready for showing in the compo. Coding and coding and... compo! Rats! If we had got just another eight hours and.. ahh well. Thanks alot to Mermaid and Crazy Q for delivering goods of unparallaed quality for the demo. We will finish it post-party instead. Music compos begins in the 'other' category. _REALLY_ good stuff here, the Gameboy and NES stuff were amazing. Well, what shouldn't happen, then happens. Crazy Q's tune had been forgotten from the voting disks and were not going to be played. After some quarrels, the organisers hook up an STe to the mixer and runs Crazys funky tune anyways, huge applause! Triplex sounds great as always, even if the sound system wasn't very dynamic. The organisers tell everyone that they can vote for the Atari song by writing notes and hand in somewhere. Ok, too bad for Crazy Q one might have thought, but these guys are serious for the most part and actually do paper-voting aside the normal disk stuff. Crazy Q ends up in first place! Hey Damo, you have to get this tracker out officially soon, it kicks ass :-)
One more compo with a bit of Atari-prospect was the 'other' Demo compo which had a demo by DbugII/NeXT (aka Dbug/Defence Force). As we have grown to learn (and accept..) Dbug has put his coding energy into the Oric 8-bit computer. Once again showing a long demo featuring checkerboard zoomers, scrollers, mandelbrot zoomer and more. Really cool 8bit stuff, pleaaase come back to the ST ;)
The other compos were rather uninteresting Atari-wise but had some quality stuff, especially the C64 demo compo had a few good ones.
That ends the party report and we're heading back to post-party and why this article is nearly a week late. Well, sometime shit happens, and this summer it did really happen. On the way back home from LCP I got a terrible pain in the stomach area and had to visit the hospital. Luckily it wasn't terribly bad, the appendix had to be taken away. But still this gets you down some time, and right now I'm at home again, slowly recovering.
That means our little LCP demo is delayed and this site will not be updated on the spot when something arrives. Sorry about that, but that's how things are at the moment.
For example, Leonard mailed me a few days ago about a new online-compo, and there's no news article yet. I am not doing some sort of boycott if somebody thought so, it's all about energy, and for now this small notice here and the link below will have to do. I hope you will understand, and have patience. The little DHS/Creators demo will arrive when things are back to normal.
And to end this text with the best news: DHS got a new musican! Crazy Q joined up the other day and we're very happy to recruit talented lonely Atari sceners in sweden :)
» See some selected photos from strange mahchines and people at LCP » Visit the page of Leonards new Online compo
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I don't know what's going on with people this summer, perhaps they've got good air conditioners these days and stay at home coding? Anyway we're getting even more great chiptunes ripped and SNDH-converted by Grazey of the P.H.F.
Grazey writes:
The onslaught continues.
Quality hits new levels with the SID
sound master... Scavenger! 66 tunes
grace this disk including Chipmon2
zaks never SNDH'-able(?!) before.
The scavenge director is awaiting.
Complete list of composers on Grazeys Zak Hacks #34:
Drax/Bodenstandig 2000
» Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #34 » Visit the site of P.H.F.
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An old demo called 'Overscan demos' has been upgraded to work with STe-shifters. The demo is about doing various stuff in overscan such as spectrum 512 piccies.
» Download the STe-patched Overscan demos
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Only a few days since BSW released DCD #100a they are now out with #100b as well. Again focusing on games rather than demos.
Included stuff this time are common scene-made games such as Santafly, Mine-Sweeper and Lombric.
» Download BSW DCD #100b
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Ray of .tSCc. released a new version of his popular rewrite of Wolfenstein 3D for the ST.
Wolf3D v0.4 improvements include:
Improvements in speed (optimized chunky-to-planar routine and resizing of the game window)
A 256-colour intro picture from the Apple IIGS version of Wolf
Static objects, which is a major step towards a complete game
Less memory useage (again, the chunky-to-planar optimizing is to thank)
As always, Rays Wolf3D runs on any ST/STe/Falcon or TT.
» Download Wolfenstein 3D for ST v0.4
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Shortly after the previous DCD compilations from BSW, here comes yet another one. DCD #100A contains the following:
Godpey by Reservoir Gods
Chu Chu Rocket lite by Reservoir Gods
Jet Set Willy by ?
Wolf3d ST preview v0.3 by .tSCc.
» Download BSW DCD #100a
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Grazey of the P.H.F. just released two new disks with ripped chipmusic from the ST. As usual, the tunes are converted into SNDH format.
Composers of #32:
Composers of #33:
Grazey writes about #33:
GZH 33 - 4 Composers
144 SNDH files
Ok here's the first biggie and quality is certainly the relevant word here!
137 marvellous Tao compositions cram this disk. From the tiny 900 byte tunes to the massive 20 minute UMD 8730 epic. Quite a few of these tunes have been modified to fit in with the SNDH standard. Just Buggin tunes all used nasty shadow regs. Tao's sample drum songs also needed to be changed to use other MFP timers.
» Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #32 » Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #33
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The Byte of BSW (more known from The Chaos Engine) has returned with a couple of demo compact disks under the BSW label.
First up is a re-release of BSW DCD #80, with demos and intros by for example YM Rockerz, Diamond Design and Synergy. Secondly BSW DCD #99, a new disk with stuff from .tSCc., Ym Rockerz again, MJJ Prod and Paradize.
Now lets hope for some new real intro or demo from The Byte and company.
» Download BSW DCD #80v2 » Download BSW DCD #99 (Update july 16: Bugfixed!)
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It's been a while, but today the ASMA Pokey music collection was updated to version 2.8.
The update brings seventy new tracks to the catalogue, which now consist of 1840 SAP files.
» Download ASMA v2.8 » Visit the ASMA site
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One of the better video players for Linux called MPlayer has been ported to Atari SDL. The port is made by Didier Méquignon, known for Aniplayer and his CT60 FlashROM and utilities. With MPlayer we can now read datas off DVD's (not yet encryped DVD's, an Extendos upgrade is needed and planned to take care of that).
The system requirements are hefty to say the least; 100MHz CT60 is a minimum spec machine to handle this :)
The application works together with (Free)MiNT and MagiC in a GEM-window or fullscreen mode.
» Download MPlayer v1.0pre4 for Atari » Visit Didier Méquignons website » Visit MPlayers homepage
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A new release of the great SNDH converting utility wes released by Gwem today. The main change is support for larger MusicMon 2 files, so musicans can now fit a lot of samples without any problem.
» Download the latest Sndhconv by gwEm
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Gildor, who brought you the Yeti3D engine port to Atari continues his porting frenezy. We've gotten no less than four complete games ported from other platforms to the Atari. Ok ok, which ones? Here goes..
Wolfenstein 3D
Ported from the orginal, so everything's there as it should be. Demo levels included in the archive.
Spear of Destiny
A Wolfenstein 3D spin-off, very similar but differnt levels and some new stuff (textures with transparency for instance).
Well the name says it all really. You need a 25MHz bus for this one, or a SuperVidel; it needs 640x480 16bit hicolour graphics.
A remake of an old Atari classic game. This one also needs 25MHz bus or a SuperVidel, same reasons as above.
Well as a little bonus, an updated version of the Yeti3D engine, now with better lowres mode (centered graphics etc).
These portings are all using the latest SDL versions, so they should be using the fast C2P routines from Mikael Kalms/TBL. Gildor also tells us that the games runs _much_ better in MiNT than TOS (MagiC untested).
» Download Wolfenstein 3D » Download Spear of Destiny » Download Moonlander » Download Ltris » Download an updated Yeti3D engine
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An open source 3D-engine that has been in development for a while have been ported to Atari by Gildor. The 3D-engine is aimed for games ala-Quake.
There are two small demos available (user interactive, but no game play as this is only an engine and not a game). The demo runs pretty well on CT60 with the lower resolution and half-alright in the higher res.
It's pretty obvious that some precision problems occours due to lack for floating point texturemapping, so some areas seem to 'float' away. Still a good example of open source and Atari in combination that works well.
The port is made with GCC in FreeMiNT, but also runs equally well in TOS.
» Download the compiled Yeti 3D examples » View a screenshot of Yet3D running in FreeMiNT » View another screenshot of Yet3D running in FreeMiNT
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Nordic Atari Show will run this coming weekend in Gothenburg, Sweden. Unlike earlier years, this is a one-day show only, and without any 'scene' party going on.
However, the guys of Nature should be there showing their latest efforts on the SuperVidel and their new 100Mbit/s CT60 network card 'EtherNat'.
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A small quick report from IMParty 18, held in Sweden July 1-4.
As any IMParty, this one was placed in the microscoptic town of Grängesberg, located about 200km north-west of Stockholm. The usual suspects arrived, including people from Evolution, Aggression, Atari.Org, IMPonance, DHS, NoCrew and T.O.Y.S. Missing this year were sadly New Beat.
To make up for the loss of ACE 060 being shown, special guests Ephidrena from Norway showed up with their Falcons.
The IMPartys are no real scene events, it's a relaxation party with some Ataris and some coding going on. There are no compos or such. Perhaps this could change in the future? In total about 30 persons showed up, with seven CT60's in action and some standard Falcons/STe's.
For a small movie shot at IMParty 18 (MPEG-4 3.5min long), check the link below, and find your way to the 'media' page.
Thanks to IMPonance for arranging the party, it was fun and relaxing, as should an IMParty be.
» IMParty 18 page
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A new version of Bold, the newly released side-scrolling shoot'em up has been upgraded to a more mature version with less (speed) bugs.
» Download Bold v1.1b
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A long time ago, a demo/intro competition started at the atari-forum.com, a few minutes ago the resulting megademo (not a multipart as was misleadingly told at some places) was made available. It's a classic style with a menu and screens of various quality.
Crews involved includes Paradize, MJJ Prod, Cerebral Vortex and more.
» Download Atari-forum megademo (msa-filename shortened to make it Atari-compatible)
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JagFest UK 2004 ended just hours ago and, and we already have a nice report from the party kindly provided by CiH of the Alive mag team.
Here we go:
Jagfest he says..
It's Sunday evening, I'm in dire need of a brain replacement, and I haven't even unpacked my bags from the trip, having only just got back from the night before...
Events (Me) and economics (Felice) dictated that we couldn't stay down in historic teenage single mother infested Rochester for the whole two days of the event. Instead, we resolved to make the very best of the Saturday there. And there was a lot to take in, with the format expanded from last years successful party. The Jaguar scene took pride of place, with large screen appearances of many tournament favourites such as Battlesphere, and the unavoidable Tempest 2000. There were even bits and pieces of new stuffs to be seen, and a decent range of hardware and software for both Jag and Lynx on sale, courtesy of 16/32 Systems.
The Cheshunt Computer Club and ourselves managed to make the case for the non-console side of Atari, and a number of people did take an interest in my CT60. It behaved very well on the day. On the STe in the far corner, people were invited to try to stop the (in)famous Badger demo with the reset button, and several of them were caught out by that little joke ;-)
Several rival formats filled the corners, including a large presence from a bunch of C64 enthusiasts we met in Birmingham at the Micromart show. They survived the taunting and playing of loud martial arts movies from the MyAtari section ;-) They were cool guys who fitted in very well to the overall spirit of the Jagfest UK.
The show has its social side, and we spotted the Mad Butcher as our main non-UK visitor. He seemed to be enjoying himself hugely. The rest was a case of renewing acquaintances with the familiar jagscene crowd from last summer. To finish off the Saturday evening, Nick Harlow organised a barbeque in the hotel garden, dodging rain showers. He must have known what he was doing, as none of us have succumbed to violent vomiting fits so far...
We regretfully tore ourselves away from what was shaping up to be a long and interesting evening of hardcore console games playing at 10.00pm. I guess things carried on in the same happy vein for Sunday, and I hope we are going to make it again next year. Okay, this is short and lame, stronger and longer report to follow sometime.
Oh, and one last thing, 'Badger Badger Badger Badger!!'
CiH signing off.
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Bold' - the sequel to Bold, has been released very unexpectedly. The game resembles R-type rather much in it's style.
The authour also hints about other possible ST-games to be released. Good news!
» Download Bold v1.0
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It's clear that the resurrection trend is here to stay. Another un-released game from the past has recently made it to release.
Droid 2 looks to be a platform shooter with rather decent graphics. Definitly worth a try!
» Download Droid2 (.ST diskimage, bluerk)
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Thanks to Exocet for sending a little intro by Orion. It's an invite to the Jaguar Connexion 2004, where some known Atari figures have promised to attend, that includes Rodolphe '060' Czuba and Jane 'AvP' Whittaker.
» Download the Jaguar Connexion 2004 invite intro for ST
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gwEm writes:
More SNDH converters, but hopefully the last update for a while:
- The SSD converter got updated with the latest replay routine.
- The MM2 converter now uses a much more stable Grazey replay rout.
- Theres a new XLR8 converter using a ripped Sentry routine.
- And finally because I know some guys use it some times I made a Insignia Trisound converter, also with a Grazey rout.
» Download the new SNDH converter
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Ben of the Overlanders have been working a bit on the Sid Sound Designer replay.
Bens updated replay now supports pattern breaks from the SSD v3.5 editor, a bit faster replay and better commented sourcecode.
You can download the source together with example files below.
» Download SSD Replaycode v1.02
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A new disk with SNDH files from various artists have been released by Grazey of PHF. Featured artists are:
Ant Lees
Barry Leitch
Lotek Style
Pierre-Eric Loriaux
Mickhail Lundberg
Paul Loraine
» Download Grazeys Hacks #29 » Visit the PHF site
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Nick Harlow writes:
Well first of all thanks to Pocket, Arethius, Scat and other who made the Jaguar Connexxion in France a real nice place to be. Plenty of games, plenty of collectibles, plenty to see and do...
But now come the Brits with JagFest'04, June 12/13... are you planning to come and see whats happening in the UK Atari World? We still have some more work to do but the event is shaping up nicely with the following attractions.....
Licensed Bar -- A little liquid refreshment to help the RAFFLE go down
Battlesphere Tourney run by Gaztee plus all the latest and Greatest Releases inc Songbird and B&C - see and buy the games and protos you only thought you would hear about.
Lynx, a selection of the ebst games and prototypes around
Atari ST-STE-TT-Falcon
Full Papyrus X demos, and sales.
NEXUS Gaming Competition (TBA)
Maggie DIsk Magazine
Who will have a similar programme to last year (ST and Falcon), but with new demo's since last year of course Chris's Falcon is now F060! Also there will be the miracle of selected hits of Atari 8-bit on CT60, through the miracle of emulation.
Atari 8 Bit
The Devastator II, a fully functional MAME controller for your PC.
Premier On-line Atari magazine MyAtari, and Retro-Mart plus a suprise??
Asteroids 7800 run by James Perrow
Tournies organised by Steve Moss, more details on web pages
Side Show
Commodore Scene will be in attendance with a C= side show .
They will be bringing the '4 player Commodore stand' and a bunch of 4 player games for people to play on. Also, they will probably be bringing our portable SX64's (x3) along with some software to show off and some of the new hardware too.
Gamebase ST
Rob Perry - Will be showing the progress he and Paul Thompson has made on their GamebaseST project . Find out how easy they have made it to run ST games under emulation, all wrapped up in a mame32 type frontend.
Atari Portfolio
Portfolio Club (U.K).
Europes premier Portfolio supporters, the Portfolio Club will be along to show off all things to do with the Atari handeheld. Find out more Portfolio stuff at www.portfolioclub.cwc.net
More Infomation can be found at http://www.uk.jagfest.org.uk/
All Weekend Pass Holders will recieve 2 free gifts for supporting JagFest UK..... a JagFest Keyring (gasp!!) and a Free full copy including Hint Book of Oxyd for Atari ST, STE, TT, Falcon, PC or MAC (even bigger gasp!!). In fact JagFest are feeling so generous we will give the Basic Oxyd pack to the first 50 who come to JagFest on Saturday or Sunday.
If you want to come along for the day, it's only £5 and you are sure of a good time, with friends new and old.. just contact me at nick@1632systems.co.uk
Hope to see you soon.
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Adam Klobukowski writes:
RAW - 'Another World' engine written using SDL library. Should work on anything a bit faster then Falcon 030 (it flies on CT60 If you want to play under GEM, set enviromental variable
You also need an original PC version of the game (called 'Out Of This World')
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Data of Trio has recently (well, a week ago) ported the open source Gameboy emulator called 'gngb' to the Atari.
The emulator should work with any Atari with a 68020 or better processor, but the faster the better, as always with emulation.
» Download gngb for Atari
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A few years ago, in 2001 to be more specific, Rich Davey from Little Green Desktop began collecting remixes of classic Atari ST tunes. He got eight tunes, but the project somewhow cooled down and was put on ice.
Until now that is, the CD has been resurrected and is available thru Atari.Org's web-mirror (similar style to Fading Twilight / No Fragments).
The tracks remixed are:
Rings of medusa
Syntax Terror Fletch
The Killing Game Show
Mindbomb demo
There aren't any sheeps in outer mongolia
Yep! Nice to see such classics in new form, personally I'm most happy that someone still remember Verminator :)
The remix-style differs heavily from funk, hardcore to more smooth remixes. Please notice that this is NOT the commercial remix-cd spoken about earlier!
» Visit Atari.Orgs web-mirror of Audio Exposure ST
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Rodolphe Czuba writes:
YES, the boards are here and the CPU too !!
Shipping will begin friday 21st May !
I will chip in the following oder :
- CT60 WITH motherboards here (soldering fitting) : no more place here ;-) .
- Developers CT60
- Users
All three categories in the order I received money.
DON'T ask me about if the board is sent to you or not !!
You will receive an email if the board is shipped to you !
If no email, this means NO shipping (or bad email address !); please wait !
I have really no time ot answer to people who have no patience...
Thank you
» Visit Czuba-Tech website
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A small one minute clip from one of the remixed songs have been made available. The track in question if Scavengers 'Odyssey' from the Synergy Megademo.
Personally I had hoped for something else (eg, in the lines of the Remix64 which were given as example before the production began).
Anyway, check the mp3 below to make your own opinion.
» Download the sample of Odyssey
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Grazey of the PHF writes:
Finally after a 6 month break I bring some more SNDH's for your delectation.
In the archive you'll find tunes by -
Huelsbeck,Iso, Jason, JB 007, Jedi, Jerowksi, Jet Power, JMP, Johnson, Jones, Jookie, Joseph, Jovis, Kanewood, Kelly, Ksouri, Lap, Lowe, Chilton, Connolly, Dalecki, Hagar.
Plus a crappy old PHF intro.
139 SNDH files <-> 337 tunes.
» Download Grazeys Zak Hacks #28 » Visit PHF website
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Felice writes:
The new May issue of MyAtari magazine has been released, at www.myatari.net.
In it is included an article from yours truly, a review of the Outline party.
Check it out !!! :-)
» Visit MyAtari
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Lotek Style of .tSCc. have released the third edition of the No Fragments serie.
This time covering releases from various demo parties (1993-2001) with demos, music, pictures and more from Atari ST/STe and Falcon.
The collection is available in a web-form for you to browse around at Atari.Org's mirror, check the link below!
» Atari.Org webmirror of No Fragments
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Mad Butscher writes:
Foundation Two would like to ivite all open mind szeners to a ATARI 8 Bit Gaming Meeting to the middle of nowhere (Hunsrueck / Germany).
We don't difference between 8 Bit and 16 Bit, so all ATARI and Vectrex and Acorn, and Commorodre, etc. users are welcome. (please leave as much PC's at home as possible)
The name of the meeting is: Hunsruecker ATARI Treffen Zweitausend vier (h.a.t.z.)
Beside gaming, we will build up our maschines and do the normal convention stuff.
So it's a good possiility, to meet each other again.
More infos are at the abbuc website (www.abbuc.de) in the open forum.
» Abbuc homepage
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Showaddywaddy of D-Bug has just released a new double-disk menu. Games for this menu are Pegasus, Snacman and Space Battle. Also a small little menu by DHS with music by 505.
» Download D-Bug 184a » Download D-Bug 184b
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ST Survivor writes:
MJJ Prod strikes back and I'm sure they'll be surprised to see that I'm advertising one of their prods :) Indeed a very nice and funny screen called BADGER has been released !
It should work with every Atari, maybe not on STf tho nothing is mentioned on their webpage. Report to the following link to get the ST or STeem version (end of page)
» Download Badger
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Grayscale writes:
Welcome to the second edition of the Grayscale Music Competition. Previous edition took place in 2003. There were presented 8 modules, which were prepared by 7 artists. It was quite good result, if we consider the size of our Atari Scene. The winner of 1st Grayscale Music Competition was Barter W?siel, aka BeWu, which is nowadays a member of our group.
We are starting the second edition of the Grayscale Music Compo hoping, that the quality of modules will exceed that from previous edition, and that a number of modules will be much more bigger. We are waiting for your opinions and , of course, your modules./div>
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YesCREW released DegaSTE a few days ago, it's a small ACC tool for editing Degas(elite) palettes while Degas is running.
Why? Well Degas(elite) was made before the STe was released, and hence it can't use the 4096-palette of the STe when editing colours. So previously you had to edit the palette in another art program first, and then use Degas. Now you can run Degas and set the palette with DegasSTE on the fly.
It should make life alot easier for those who paints STe-pictures with Degas(elite).
» Download DegaSTE
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Superogue writes:
X-2004 all classic 8-bit/16-bit demoparty!
Hi there, some of you may have already met me at this years Outline party. To those who haven't: My name is Martijn Wenting, managing director of revival studios (classic game development) and co-organizer of the X-2004 all classic demoparty.
X-2004 will be held on 22-23-24 october 2004 in Ruurlo, The netherlands, which is VERY VERY close to where Outline was held this year.
We have competitions for all classic 8-bit/16-bit machines, and dedicated competitions for ATARI!
Also, the atmosphere is VERY relaxed, we have dedicated beds for all visitors, free breakfast, free dinner and free drinks/beer for everyone!
But that's not all, we also have alternative/weird competitions, live-acts, videoshows (with the best demo's from all kinds of classic scenes, to build respect for eachother bring the scenes closer together) and movies to be seen!
We also will be showing you a 2-hour behind the scenes video of what it was like working at Atari in the 70's/80's with interviews with ex-atari employees! All in all, more than enough reason to visit the X-2004 website (for link see bottom of this article) and register now!!!
All atari 8-bit / ST / Falcon sceners are welcome!
We hope to see al of you there in October!
(you can also contact Havoc for atari-specific question regarding this party)
» Visit the X-2004 website
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The contributions from the 'Little Atari Convention 2004' (also known as pre-sillyventure 2004) has been made available. We did another of those small download pages where you can get the files.
The stuff contains mainly of pictures and music, but also realtime article (in polish!), photos and the Syntax graphics is more like a little intro.
» Visit the download page for LAC04
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CiH writes:
ART FEEBLY IMITATES LIFE! New version available!
Following hard on the heels of the satirically biting 'Braekpoint '04 Invitro' Wild Compo winner onthe Falcon, is a bonus STe version.
This is available from the usual place, and will need a 2MB STe to run.
(Upon reading some of the party reports for Breakpoint '04, it looks like the Dildo Fatwa team were only *slightly* ahead of events as they actually happened!)
» Download the STe version » Visit their homepage
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Paradox has released their wildcomp entry from Outline. It's a slideshow for the STe. But this is no ordinary slideshow; it doesn't contain any handmade pictures, no effects, hardly any music.. The special thing is a new screen mode they have crammed out of the STe machines. Very impressive, the routine displays 640x400 images in 14000 possible colours. The technique is based on midres, palette and scanline interlace together with blitter palette-shiftings. It should give about 40-44 colours per scanline (similar to Spectrum 512, but in 640 width rather than 320!).
This baby was not easy to do screenshots from :) In the end I had to use the videocam, so the screenshots below is far from the real quality seen on an STe.
» Download Highres by Paradox (STe only)
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After many many requests, the video of Träl is avaialble. Rather bad quality but you get the idea anyways.
Yep this also means that Scene.Org is back in full strength together with the hosted sites (such as pouet.net). A big HURRAY! to the Scene.Org staff.
» Download Träl from Scene.Org
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Havoc of Lineout writes:
Coded live (while counting all votes at the same time!) by TheMatch/Lineout.
Needs at least 640*480 resolution and an Atari compatible system (please set the desktop to a high resolution and colordepth before running).
Sorry for the bugs and lack of proper screenmode switching, this prog was originally just intended for display on the beamer in the Outline party hall. We thought it would be nice to put this prog online too for viewers who were not present at the party.
» Download at the Outline page
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gwEm has just released a new version of his SNDH converter. The converter can now convert Sid Sound Designer and Triplex (Damos beta version) files into SNDH. And of course the old MusicMon II converter is still there as well.
» Download SNDH converter
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Richard Karsmakers / ST News writes:
There really haven't been any new viruses on the Atari platform in quite a while...which is a very good thing. There were a few little things that still needed to be fixed in the "Ultimate Virus Killer" 2000 code, though, and it also needed to have the contact details made 'future proof'. The new version, 9.0, was released today, April 12th. The version jump from 8.2 is to signify it's the final version. It is still the definitive tool to keep your ST, TT, Falcon or derivative machine virus-free. With 14 years of development, it damn well should be.
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After a couple of days of size-optimizing and fixing some smaller issues (RGB support, timings..) we've released our intro shown at the Outline party.
The intro is called 'Träl' and was made during the days the party lasted, except we were lazy sitting at home in our sofas producing it.
The intro is a co-operation between DHS, Ephidrena and MJJ Prod. A Falcon with CT60 or another 68060 accelerator (if available) is needed. A video will be uploaded as soon as Scene.Org is healthy again.
» Download the intro at the Outline download page
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Simon Sunnyboy of Paradize writes:
Better late then never.
Paradize now releases a planned Outline part:
The Tawnee Stone Slideshow - compatible with Atari STFM/STE/Falcon. A little xrated slideshow intended for the Wild Compo that didn't make it in time. Nothing special, just some piccies to view and some digi sound. Grab it on our website at http://paradize.atari.org/ or directly here at DHS.
» Download The Tawnee Stone Slideshow » Visit the Paradize site
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More and more stuffs are coming in from the party, really nice stuff (click the links to see a screenshot and the bottom link for download)!
So far we've seen two 4-k intros from Paradox ('30 Candles' and 'RGB Splitter'). Also we have a nice 96k intro from Dune, MJJ Prod and Sector one titled 'Frenchies Intro' and a nice intro/demo by F.U.N. named 'Stone Tower'.
And to sum it up, a new huge issue of the Undercover Magascene (#25) has been released at the Outline 2004.
More stuff to follow!
» Visit the Outline 2004 download page
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Nemo / DHS writes:
I just came back from Outline and thought I'll give you an update on the things that just happened (as long as they are fresh in my mind) :). So here we go...
I was very eager to attend this party though I couldn't make a 100% registration in advance as I'm currently quite on the edge money-wise. Anyway, in the end it was enough for the train ticket, food and the entrance fee.:-) So, lazy as I am I decided to pull something together for the music competitions in a last minute effort (I did it all from the night of Friday to Saturday...). But as I decided not to take my computer with me I had to finish both tunes in advance and I ended up in the mess of either taking a train earlier without finished tunes but the possibility to match the deadline or having the tunes finished but the possibility to miss the deadline. And that's what happened. I calculated that it could work if the deadline is around 18.00- 20.00h but it was set to 16h..
Well, this was a bit of a downer when I arrived but not for a long as I soon started catching up with many familiar faces.:) The location was quite nice, some sort of youth hostel, where one hall plus sleeping area with beds was reserved for the sceners. While the second room and sleeping area was for some sort of string symphony orchestra with a high percentage of young females who were training their Beethoven or whatever. I ended up spending my first night in their sleeping room as I somehow confused where the Outline sleeping area was. Anyway, after all better matresses and no snorring in their room compared to the strange snorring symphony I witnessed the day later in the Atari area.;) Anyway, I spent a lot of time walking around and have a good talk which I really enjoyed. Probably even more than with previous parties as I simply know more people better by now.:) Especially the talk with some fellow musicians was really inspiring and motivating. Damo, Gwem and his girlfriend Manou also introduced me to some pro audio apps on the PC/Mac which really sucked me in. I always thought those things would be much too bloated and complicated and too different from tracker style composing - though it's not too complicated at all. So I really have to give some of those apps a proper tryout. I think my two falcons with Triplex/Ace Tracker and some of those Mac apps could build up a nice working environment.:)
On Sunday I decided that I could still get my share of airplay by putting my Ace Tracker tune into the wild compo (which was then joined with the Fake Demo compo). As I didn't release any Ace Tracker tune for a year I simply wanted to showcase some of the sounds and ideas I have been playing around with the last couple of months. And so I did though it couldn't challenge the hillarious Dildo Fatwa release and a cool STE Hack using some sort of HighresMode and 6000 colours at onceby Paradox. Anyway, still received a good amount of points and could have probably squeezed out some extra if I had mentioned it was wave-only as some thought the drummings were sampled.:) So I'm happy I did the release. The gaming compo featured two nice puzzle games, one by Mad Butcher/F2 and one by the Reservoir Gods, with Dutch-themed tiles (clogs), which then also got the first place.:) The ST and Falcon Demo compo was joined as well (as the only 'physical' representative of DHS I gave my ok, hope that's fine with you). All four releases were quite cool even though the Evolution one was more a kind of a teaser but a yummy one.:) And of course big ups to you and Ephidrena for your effort! Really cool one! This one also won the competition BTW.;) Then there was the size limited competition with releases by Paradox and Gwem. But I won't get into detail here as I actually realise that I've written quite a lot by now, so it's time to finish this mail up. So some summing uo left for the last paragraph:
The price ceremony took place somewhere 00.30h I think and had its moments (especially the chip music results). Setok(?) used the opportunity to hand out some extra prices and advertise the ALTernative party. And then go to bed, sleep, get your stuff, say goodbye, leave.:) And afterall it's been a really great party! Definitive Alternative to non EIL-years. Though again rumors were floating around concerning a possible French effort (place somewhere near Paris). A big party in France could be a cool thing as well.
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The first release from Outline has arrived (ACE Tracker music by Nemo), and so our download page for the party has opened (with only the one file yet).
Hopefully we'll have a party report online within hours.
» Visit the Outline 2004 download page
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This years Atari easter-party 'Outline' in Holland begins today. The dutch expects ave sixty Atari sceners to take place and hopefully code something interesting to watch! Stay tuned for more info about eventual releases in the coming days.
» Visit the Outline homepage
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Solo2 of TBC writes:
SoLo2 presents:
The Beasts Intro #7
With some melting logos,
stretched scrolls,
waving messages,
neon fireworks
and great music by T-1000.
» Download TBC7
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For those of who who has been wondering where that promised video of Echos v1.2 had gone we can now inform you that it's at last available on scene.org.
There were some unusual delays from the upload until it was put online. Out of our hand. Anyway the demo is running on 060 with the brand new version of ACE replayer (Replace 0.25).
» Download Echos v1.2 from Scene.Org
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Lotek Style of .tSCc. released the second CD with demos and intros from Atari ST.
The new CD is packed with compilation-disks rather than stand alone demos. Lots of disks from POV, Animal Mine, Stax, Ripped Off and many more.
The new CD can be browsed around on the web from Atari.Org's official mirror, or an ISO image can be downloaded from .tSCc.'s ftp.
» Atari.Org No Fragments web-mirror » .tSCc. homepage
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A new The Beasts prod again. Check da thumbnail and download this cool prod!
» Download TBC512_0
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Well as you all probably figured, this was an attempt for an april fools joke!
Thanks to CiH for providing :)
CT60 virus goes back to basics
At least one buyer of the CT60 has been using it for purposes which are unhelpful to the rest of the scene.
We've been receiving reports of a CT60 specific email virus, which when run, reverts the flash bios back to a standard '030 Falcon. The dangerous file comes as an attachment 'first.prg', which when executed, tells you to type in 010404, where it then does its dirty work.
We are asking all CT60 users to be alert, and hopefully these malign efforts will quickly pass their sell-by date.
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gwEm writes:
I have written an easy to use converter for MusicMon2 modules into the popular SNDH format.
I like this editor although it is not so popular as SSD, maybe this converter will encourage people to use it more in productions...
Even if you don't want to use the converter its self the ZIP is still worth downloading, because I converted all the MusicMon2 demo song into SNDH for your listening pleasure.
» Download MM2SNDH
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From a recent query about games in progress for the Atari, something not expected was revealed: Ports (remakes) of C-64 shoot'em ups games for the ST. Alright, the games are SEUCK (shoot'em up construction kit) and SEUCK isn't perhaps the most beloved tool in the world. But anyway we're getting a couple of new shooters it seems!
The games in question due for conversion are Alienkill and Alienkill 2. From the screenshot (see below) the graphics might need to be stiffed up a bit before the ST entrance :)
» Watch a screenshot of Alienkill on the C-64
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On the rumour side (nothing confirmed yet..):
People who read the registred visitors for the Outline party might have noticed a very strong lineup from finland, mainly by Aggression guys. Now our long ears have heard rumours about a new ST(e) demo from the finns to be released or at least shown at the Outline compo.
Lance is supposed to have coded several new routines and among them a very quick 1x1 c2p routine.
Now, we still remember what happened to Aggressions 'Motion' back in the mid 90's, but let's hope this is not a hoax and that it will be completed this time. The finns are welcome back!
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Atari crews from belgium hasn't exactly been the most frequent over the years. One of the more well-known has been Zuul. They were working on a 3d-demo for the ST way back in the 90's, and unluckily it wasn't released.
Yeah you know the story since the 'Golden Age' demo a couple of days ago, this one has also been dusted off and released to the public. The demo is rather complete except for the final screen, which stays blank.
All effects are 3d-based and some rather nice design and graphics added to that. A pity it has ripped music though.
» Download Houba-demo from Zuul
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Not exactly a surprise, The Beasts released another scroller intro today. Gaaasp. Have they not had enough time on pouet.net 'latest released prods' yet? Anyway, download below.
» Download the very original TBC5
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A quickie:
SWE Of YesCREW updated the GemGT2-player today to version 0.91.
The new version has a bugfix for memory leakage and has proper GEM iconifying. Download below.
» Download GemGT2 v0.91
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The spanish guys of The Beasts crew have released yet another intro for the ST. This time called 'TBC4'.
I just wish they could save up a bunch of these intros and make a little menu to it. Would make an old-skool type megademo rather quickly...
» Download TBC4
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The old french crew Hysteria was working on a megademo a long time ago. The demo was unfortunatly never finished and released.
Until now that is. The remains of the demo has been released, and seems to consist of a bunch of screens to be loaded manually from desktop. Overscans, line-3d, scrollers. Well it's traditional oldskool!
» Download Golden age
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The old 96k intro from Error In Line 2003 from DHS, Evolution and New Beat has been re-released. Now with a brand new (still beta though) ACE replayer which now runs happily on CT60.
The intro itself looks like before, perhaps a bit smoother than it did on CT2/AB040 earlier. A video of it running on 060 will be uploaded to scene.org in the next few days, check back here shortly for a download-link.
» Download Echos v1.2 (060 required)
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A nice surprice today; Chosneck #2 diskmag has been published online at the Mystic Bytes homepage.
The online-issue reminds quite much of how the UCM and Alive mags are presented. This is good news for all non-Falcon users that still wish to have a good read. However the nice shell from Chosneck is missing as well as the music, so if you have the chance it's still lots better in the original version.
UPDATE 20210129: The site is gone, link removed.
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Havoc of Lineout writes:
div class="quote">The Outline 2004 official website was launched a couple of days ago. A lot of information about the party is available, and it will be updated on a regular basis from now until after the party.
The first publicly available visitorlist was added today, and the team behind the website are planning to add several items in the near future. This includes high detail roadmaps, more information about food supplies and perhaps even some little surprises.
A big 'thank you!' must go to our webmaster Cyclone, without him the website would not have been realized as quickly and professionally as we managed to do after our previous designer went a way of life.
» Visit the Outline site » Download a nice Outline logo
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Showaddywaddy / D-Bug writes:
yrano Jones makes a re-appearance with a cool new menu featuring a 24bit picture zoomer!
Menu includes Realms of Reality a Dungeon Master clone (I've now fixed it for TOS 2.06)
Osmosis a nice puzzle game in the mould of Match It. This game now saves high scores to a file in Drive A.
Showaddywaddy / D-Bug
» Download D-Bug #183 » View a screenshot from the fullscreen rotozoomer intro
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SWE of YesCREW released a new version of GemGT2 today. As the title suggests, GemGT2 is a Groumf-tracker player in GEM.
New features include av-start (drag/drop) and correct locking of audio and dsp, dynamic memory allocation and machine control at startup.
» Download GemGT2 v0.80
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Anohter colourful little intro has been released from The Beasts.
This time it goes by the original name 'ts11'.
» Download ts11
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Lotek Style writes:
FADING TWILIGHT -excerpt eight- is OUT!Music from the ATARI-scene is going in its eighth round. Listen to over 400 tunes from the following atari scene musicians:
505 / Checkpoint^Creators
AiO / Toys
Bodenstaendig 2000
Baggio / Evolution^Spice Boys^Wildfire
Beast / The Syndicate^Reanimators
Bart of Noise / Megabusters^Heaven Software
Blue Tiger / Spider
Cedyn aka Goaman / Shadows^Monar records
Charon aka Quark / Nato^Game Over
Conrardy Tim
!Cube / Aggression^Trauma^Recreation^SCS*TRC^Scallop^Armada
D-Force / Lineout
Damo aka Drus / Reservoir Gods^Redlite
Danny O. / Risk
Dma Sc / Sector One
Energizer / Lazer
Frazer / The Syndicate^Reanimators
Gozer / Flash^Kruz
Greg / Grayscale project^Bitbusters^Aids
Jess / Overlanders
Lotek Style fka MC Laser / tSCc^YM Rockerz^VKK
Marcer / Elite
Moonshine / Admirables
Mr. Future / Paranoia
Radium / Effect
Raster aka Motorol / Confusions^Rasero Team
Rhino / Torment^Phase D
Rubbish / Zeal
Scavenger / Synergy
Seabrush / Mystic Bytes
Sparehead 3 / Reservoir Gods
Simon V. aka No More / Animal Mine
Slocum Paul
ST Mixes / PoSiTiViTy
Teque / Aggression^Trauma
Thomas aka Split / New Beat Development
Tinker / Teenage
Tommy / Avena
Simon aka Corwin / Trideja
Ryan / Trideja
Ultrafex / Cream
Xtream aka ADS / Toons^Abstract
Zigo aka Zigoma / EXA^Adrenaline^Arsenic^The Fat Mamoth
» Visit the Fading Twilight website » Visit the Fading Twilight web-mirror at Atari.Org
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Data of Trio released a new version of Doom for Atari recently.
The new version uses SDL 1.2.7beta which features brand new chunky-to-planar routines (by Mikael Kalms / TBL). This should be good news for all Doom-playing CT60-owners as the c2p-routs by kalms are really quick and optimized for 68060.
» Download PMDoom v0.30pre3 » Visit the page of Data/trio (Patrice Mandin)
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CiH of Alive team writes:
The latest news on the new CT60 batch.
Rodolphe Czuba writes in comp.sys.atari.st
"The production was extended to 80 pieces. 30 are left this time..."
"The shipping date was clarified this day : week # 16"
Production has been extended from the original planned 40 new units. Which means that there are still some available, even if you have held off from ordering, and think the chance has gone away. It hasn't!
» Visit Czuba-Tech for ordering info
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Phu, what a busy monday. Here's another one:
Paulo Simeos (known for the Overscan demos made nearly one and a half decade ago) released a bunch of files which has been resting without getting released. Some interesting stuff!
Things in the archive:
The oldest of all.
Try keys 0,1,2,3,+ and - from the keypad.
Return will reset 0,1,2,3 key effects.
312 dots moving at 50Hz according to the MOD choosed that is played at 15.6kHz.
+ and - change the Volume / Quality amplification factor
No amplification -> 1.0
A spectrum 512 uncompressed pic (IMAGE.SPU) + a 7.8kHz (MOD or HEXMOD(a special costum format)) + 14 lines scroller
For any MOD or HEXMOD with volume control.
It does not use interrupts or the STE hardware.
» Download the collection of unreleased stuff
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Chosneck diskmag #2 was released just some hours ago. After months and months of the usual scene-bbs terror it did it in the end. And what Chosneck #2 you say, wasn't #3 released a year ago? Well.. The first was #0 (combined with the music demo), the second was #1, and the third was simply called "third", so there hasn't been a #2 yet, and here it is..
Grey / Mystic Bytes writes: We are so proud to tell ya that after many months of work we MADE IT! yeah! =) we know, we are fuckin' late. and while I am here I would like to scream out "FORGIVE US!" but that's all I can do. within' this wide period of time we managed to collect enough interesting stuff to catch your eyes and some little surprises await you in various Chosneck sub-folders! :) some sad news now - sorry, we didn't manage to solve this 060 prob! :( so Chosneck doesn't like it too much :/ we'll keep trying to fix it someday but won't give you any date-release atm. the shell has been cured a bit - moving between parts of divided articles isn't that painful anymore - it remebers the text position when you click on a hyperlink (req by No!/Esc) and RGB mode has been improved as well! (req by LotekStyle and Paranoid).
nothing more needed to add, just...
grey / msb signed off
» Download Chosneck #2 (6.5MB, splitted files inside the zip)
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Another small intro from the Beasts Crew was released the other day. It goes with the original name of 'tbc3'.
» Download tbc3 intro
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St Survivor writes:
Hi there !
This issue of ALIVE, naturally called L8, has been sleeping for TEN days now, desperately waiting for an intro that may never make it :( So that I had to make a decision : enjoy this fat issue coming in full or light version.
Thanks to everyone involved in this work. Now STS is fading away, see ya some day pals !
» Visit the Alive site to download
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Syntax, known for their nice ST-intros from a few years back made an unexpected comeback today.
Syntax have released a diskmag for the ST called 'Underground vs Syntax #2'. The mag seems to be a mix of polish and english.
The original message (sent by Grey / Mystic bytes):
Syntax rised up from the ashes! =) After few years of total silence this famous ST band from Poland is back! Yesterday I've got a new issue of their "UvsS" disk-mag, check this out brothaz! =)
And see ya tomorrow in Chosneck's kingdom! =)
» Download Underground vs Syntax #2 » View a screenshot from the mag
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Another un-released game breathes it's first gulp of air in 2004, this one programmed back in 1993, by British crew - The Cyberpunks. They're probably best known for coding a couple of intros used by Automation.
The game is in effect a copy of the BBC game Repton 3 (a boulderdash clone). The emulation of that is so close that you could convert Repton 3 maps to play in this version of the game.
The game comes with the most recent version of the entire source code plus executable.
» Download Freds Find (sources and binary)
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Charon of Escape has at long last released his Error In Line 2001 (!) Whip!-plugin.
No screenshot available at the moment, download and test!
» Download Incub8ion v1.1 Whip!-plugin
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It's been a silent past week, but thanks to vacations from the army, Ray of .tSCc. have had some time to release some new compression/decompression routines.
It's called lz77 and is based on older code, however optimized for 68000 and 68030. The compression level should be equal or better than huffman, with a depack speed of about a simple RLE-depacker.
This is good news if you wanted to show animations or similar things in a demo or game. Download the sourcecode for depacking (Assembler) and a tool to compress data (C source and executable).
» Download lz77 from Ray of .tSCc.
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Good news!
Today Czuba-Tech announced that a new batch of CT60's will happen, soon! Check the official announcement below! NOW is the time to get one if you missed the previous round!
OK, I announce that I plan now to produce 42 or more new CT60.Please check www.czuba-tech.com for NEW price, NEW features, NEW fittingwith solders page and new benchs pages !No more EC support, no more CT60 without 060 !Only the CT60 with full 060 at 66 MHz.
I need to know very quickly how many people want to buy !!So, I accept from NOW your promise to buy and in few days I will give infosto pay me (I need this money to pay the factory that will launch theproduction !).
Shipping will be from beginning of April 2004 to end of April 2004 for thelastest orderers !
No more delay ! CT60 is ok and don't need debugging ! Production is ok andfactory is ready (they are checking since this morning the market to findthe chips to assemble 42 or more boards !).
» Visit Czuba-Tech!
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Spanish crew 'The Beasts' continue to release small colourful intros.
This time rasters, sprites and scrollers.
» Download TS8
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The old french crew Cerebral Vortex has released a game named 'Tiles Osmosis' which was put on the shelf a long time ago.
It's said to be a mix of Tetris, Columns and Match It.
A few comments from the authour:
this is the original file so don't send anything to the adress written in !!
a the beginning that was an everythingware but you can't considere now that's a freeware
use it on a blank disk coz the game save the high score on the track 80 if i remember corectly.
» Download Tiles Osmosis by Cerebral Vortex (ST/STe)
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An MPEG2-video of Ephidrenas Alternative Party 2004 demo 'Atari Behn - Trist Mix', has been uploaded to scene.org.
The video is recorded in high-detail mode on a CT60.
» Download at Scene.org!
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A few minutes ago, Paradize released a new vectorised asteroids style game called 'Space Battle'. The game supports two players against eachother or one player against the computer.
The game works with any ST/STe or Falcon.
Further on Paradize is looking for a splash-screen logo to be used in front of all their future production. They have started a compo for graphicans around to create this splash screen. More info at the Paradize site (link below).
» Download Space Battle » Visit Paradize site
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The invitation text for the forthcoming OutLine party has been released to public.
Numerous compos, travel prices and much more is covered. Check the link below.
» View the Outline 2004 invite text file
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Spanish demo crew The Beasts has released another of the small colourful intros they have flooded Pouet with the last few months.
The new intro is called 'TS6' and seems to be quite similar to the others. Download below, and check a screenshot at pouet.
» Download TS6 by The Beasts
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D-BUG released disk #182 tonight.
Nothing out of the spectacular if it wasn't for the games whom are 18 (!!) years old and never cracked before. The games in question are Breakers (cracked by Zippy / Medway Boys.. first crack in 12 years, suits him fine to do an 18 years old title ;-)) and Universe II (done by Shw).
Intro this time is limited as the disk was filled (6k free).
» Download D-BUG #182
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Havoc of LineOut anounced the OutLine easter party yesterday.
So far there is no invitation available, however the party will be held from April 9 to April 12 in Lievelde, The Netherlands.
Stay tuned for more detailed infos.
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Richard Karsmakers of the ST News fame has annouced the release of a DVD-video covering the classic STNICCC 1990 party.
The authors claims that the DVD-video is of semi-professional quality and enhanced compared to the version handed out as prices to compo winners back in 1990.
The price is 10 euro (PayPal now supported), and if you pre-order, a bonus CD will be sent along the DVD. The DVD-video will be available at easter time.
» Download an example clip (7.8MB MPEG) » Download the DVD as a Torrent
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A new version of our old but often used demo system (or sequencer) for Falcon has been released.
Sorry for taking so long for the small fixes done. The main thing fixed is a working DSPMOD on CT60, some other issues are fixed as well (DspLock(), Locksnd() (thanks MiKRO)).
Download below, and if you need explanations, there's an article in Alive issue 1.
February 8, UPDATE:
Misery! When waking up this morning I had a strange feeling about forgetting something in yesterdays demosys. And yes, so it was. It nearly didn't work at all. Some silly bugs were added by mistake and not noticed in the small tests I did. The sequencer only ran one demopart, and that at the wrong speed. It has been corrected now. Please download v15 if you got got v14 yesterday!
» Download DHS Demosystem v15
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Dildo Fatwa famous for the 'Bud teh Chud in Ascii Minor' from Error In Line II, has done it again.
A bit delayed release (shown at Altparty in beginning of January) here's a bunch of new ASCII-style screens and even some graphics! Not bad!
The title is 'Hillary Rozen at or @ Donkeysex.com' and comes in two flavours; one for STe and one for Falcon.
» Download STe-version » Download Falcon-version » Visit Dildo Fatwas homepage
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A small bugfix so that our old demo 'Don't Break the Oath' now runs happily on Falcon with 68060 has been released.
Nothing visual in the demo is altered so if you have no CT60 there is nothing new to gain.
A video of the demo running on CT2 should be available very shortly.
» Download v1.1 of the demo » Download an MPEG-2 video at scene.org
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Spion of Escape has released a new plugin-module for Escape Paint. The new module exports images in the common PNG-format, making it alot easier to share your pictures outside of the Escape Paint.
» Download PNG-Write for Escape Paint.
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So this has been circulating for a few days now, a release of an old forgotten platform game for 1MB STe machines. It's a GFA-basic game, but it seems to gain popularity everywhere.
The game has been patched by Grazey so it works on harddisks and packed into a nice zip without a floppy-image (yeah!).
» Download Roger patched to work from harddisk
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Two new disks from D-Bug released tonight, #180 and #181 (not much of a surprise there).
Disk 180 contains SuperFly and Roger, requires 1MB. Disk 181 contains Mercenary III, Turn N Burn, Cave Mania +.
Intros are made by DHS (#180, original music by 505 and graphics by C-Rem and #181 is made by Cyrano Jones with music by Rhino and graphics by C-Rem and Pursy).
The released #180 had a bug which made it fail on 1MB machines, it has now been fixed. Please download the corrected #180 below.
» Download D-Bug #180 (1MB required) (UPDATE 29/1: Now 1MB fixed!) » Download D-Bug #181
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Duranik (previously known for their unfinished Jaguar shoot'em up 'Native' and the Falcon breakout clone 'Impulse') has released a new Lynx game.
From the screenshots and technical info it seems to be a really nice game. On the interesting side, 505 of Checkpoint have made the music (Protracker modules).
The game itself is a winter sports game with many different events to play.
» Visit Duranik to watch screenshots and order the game
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Much awaited, the new demo from Lineout was released tonight by Earx.
The demo is a bit like a cotinueation of their previous 'delta'-demo and features lots of hard-optmized routines by Earx.
The demo should run on any 16MHz Falcon, but seems to have problems with some accelrators (68060 at least).
As a bonus, the entire source-tree is included as well!
As an extra bonus we provide you with a video of the demo for those without a Falcon. The video is recorded from composite-out on a 16MHz Falcon. The image is somewhat noisy thanks to composite. The video is in MPEG2 and has full DVD-resolution (720x576 interlaced) at 2Mbit/s bitrate. The image is interlaced so we recomend playing it on your stand-alone DVD-player for best result, it will give real 50Hz motion. If you're unable to do that, play it on your computer with a player that supports DE-interlacing (such as VideoLAN). However playing the video on a computer screen will look much worse (only 25Hz motion and less resolution). A high-bitrate version of the video can be supplied if somebody wants to host it for download.
» Download Out from Lineout » Download an MPEG2 video (read comments at the link) of Out (40MB) (Scene.Org)
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ST Survivor of the Alive gang announced that the deadline for articles and other stuff to go in issue number eight of Alive is before the end of the month.
Meaning, if you're sitting on finished stuff or is close to finish something, now is the time to complete it and send it to STS!
» Alive webpage
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Ok, not exactly an Atari news article, but still, they have (nearly) the same soundchip as the ST and some even exactly the same :)
AY Riders have released a new album, entitled '8bits is enuff'.
The album features nearly 80 minutes of Spectrum AY/YM-chipmusic.
» Go to Ay Riders page and download the album as mp3!
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A new compact disk (#179) from Dbug was released today, holding the following games:
Realm of the Trolls (Rainbow Arts) never cracked before...
Zombie Apocalypse (STAX) , filed and trained
Trapped 2
The intro is coded by Cyrano Jones and Showaddywaddy with gfx by C-Rem.
» Download Dbug #179
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Some changes to the lineup and songs for the forthcoming ST-Remix CD has been made. One of the 'big' changes are that Amberstar music has been cut away (licence trouble). A great loss as Amberstar features some of the best ever ST game-music..
The current lineup looks like:
Barry Leitch
Marcel Donne
Sonic Wanderer
Markus Holler
Jan Morgenstern
Rafael Dyll
And the current track-list is:
Led Storm (ST version)
Dragon Flight
Tetra Quest
Enchanted Lands
Chambers Of Shaolin
Maniax (Digi intro tune)
The track setup is subject to change, and more tracks might be announced.
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Baggio of Evolution went to the Alternative Party 2004, below you can read his small party report.
On the 9th-11th of January, Altparty was once again arranged in Helsinki, Finland. There were about 300 visitors in total. Some familiar faces such as CiH/Alive team, Nerve/Ephidrena, and Wiztom and Setok/Aggression could be seen amongst the crowd. Lots of weird compos took place, among the wierder ones were a sewingcompetition and a poem-recitalcompetition. The main democompo 'dynamic-demo' was quite disappointing as there were no really good contributions. The basic-compo however a few really cool contributions. Quite a few sceners were complaining about the lack of ataripeople at the major partys such as 'Breakpoint' and really hoped there would be an improvement.
In conclusion i can only say that Alternative party was once again a success.
Friendly people, weird compos and a great atmosphere seems to be a winning combination. If you haven't attended one, be sure not to miss the next one!
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Nerve of Ephidrena has (finally) released the completed version of Atari Behn, now called 'trist mix'.
Some words from the authour;
The new version features MP2 music, seriously reduced filesize and support for RGB ++ and 4MB machines. It also runs well on CT60 and has a high detail mode. Plus various other fixes and details i wont bother listing here. Hope some of you enjoy it ;)
» Download Atari behn - trist mix
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Deez of Evolution have been working on his 060 routs a bit silently.
Yesterday he surpriced me with a preview of a new intro aimed for the CT60, and today he released it. Things move fast in the Evolution lanes :)
Deez asked me to pinpoint that this demo requires a 040 or 060 chip to run at all, and that a 060 is needed for running it at an acceptable speed.
A video for those poor suckers without a CT60 will follow some days ahead. Thanks to Deez for finally breaking the ice and coding something exclusivly for those 150 persons who bought the CT60, hurray :)
» Download 1.0 by Evolution » Watch screenshot 0 » Watch screenshot 1 » Watch screenshot 2
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Some time ago, 505 of Checkpoint published his ideas of the 2003 tracking awards.
A lot of different awards are sent to people like Damo, Grayscale, YM Rockerz, Thomas and many more. A fun reading at the Atari Tracking site. Link below.
Update 2021-01-30: The link is no longer working.
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Spion of Escape have recently been busy porting LibPNG to PureC, and have from there been able to write a PNG picture plugin for Escape Paint.
A few weeks ago Spion also released a greyscale filter module for Escape Paint.
» Download the PNGLOAD plugin » Download the GREYSCALE plugin
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Ok, another late one..
Discussions about a professional audio CD with remakes of Atari (16-bit) classic chiptunes have been going for a while. After a bit of researching there is a lineup of musicans; Markus Holler, Jan Morgenstern, Barry Leitch, Larsec, Rafael Dyll and Marcel Donne.
There are also a few tunes selected, that will almost certainly be included, we can find a few closely tied to the Atari demoscene (Hippel, Scavenger), here's a list of what's decided as of december 4:
FOFT (donne/larsec) - Daglish
Utopia (Barry Leitch) - Leitch
Amberstar (Dyll) - Hippel
Tetra Quest (Donne) - Paul Shields
Enchanted Lands (Larsec) - Hippel
Oddyssy (Morgenstern) - Scavenger
So what can we expect from this? Some mid-file sounding remixes or something better? Well apparently it's the same bunch of guys doing the remix64 1&2 cd's, and they sound very professional. Below you can hear a few example clips from the remix64 #2. Very impressive! Some of the songs also exist on the ST, so it should give you an idea of what quality they can remix ST-tunes at.
Sorry again about the late article, but this quite exceptional news was burried down into a thread on atari-forum.com.
» Download a bunch of MP3 examples
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On the rumour side again..
It seems like Lineout have been busy lately and are about to finish their follow-up demo to 'Delta' which was released a year ago quite exactly.
The name of the new demo is unknown, but should be released in the not so far future (this month).
Keep those fingers crossed!
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Oxygene have opened a webpage for the memory of their artist Spiral. There's a guestbook and a demo (windows...) to download.
Update 2021-01-30: Website gone, but archive.org got a copy, linked below
» Visit the Spiral memorial site
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Ok, we're late on this..
It would seem like old SHADOWS members have reunited to make a new Falcon demo. Yonek (coder) and Cedyn (music) are working on it, and searching for somebody to make graphics.
(snipped from the forum at tracking.atari.org)
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Ben of the Overlanders has surpricingly began a new ST Software project; coding a new chip tracker. Ben is planning to include new yet unheard sound effects, dynamic timer allocation and other smart stuff.
So far the tracker have mostly had (what it seems to be) it's dynamic graphics interface worked with. A full window management system. Below you can see the first screendump of the gui routines, not showing any tracker stuff yet. But at least it looks like Ben is progressing.
» Watch the first (medres) screendump of the Ovr tracker gui-routines
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A short notice that several news sites we have reported about. Unfortenly we have lost a great artist. On december 30, Spiral / Oxygene passed away.
Details of how and possibly why are unknown. Rest in peace.
» Spirals page at Artcity
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Ok, not really a news article, but we'd like to inform those who are interested that there is a small page opened here on dhs.nu with pics and infos of the people from IRC #atariscne.
Horror show guarenteed ;-)
» Do you dare?
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Sine of Idemline was working with two contributions for the online compo (15k music) but didn't manage it in time. But instead of just skipping the entire thing, he finished anyway, just a little later.
So, like a lightning from clear sky, Idemline are back. Welcome :)
» Download &HF » Download 15Ko or 25Ko?
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In usual tradition, YM Rockerz have released an MP3'ed version of their latest music demo. As usual the mp3 files are assitsted with SNDH files which can be played on any Atari ST or better.
No excuse for not playing YM Rockerz 'Warryorz' at work any more :)
» Visit YM Rockerz to download the MP3s
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Let's kickstart 2004..
When the music for Lethal Xcess (Wings of death 2) was made, Jochen Hippel and Christoph Remspecher also recorded the entire soundtrack in a studio (march 1993).
This CD was never released, until just recently. It can now be downloaded at the X-trolls Lethal Xcess site together with pictures of the cover. Enjoy!
» Visit the LX site and download the tracks!
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