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_AdamK_ / noneNick: _AdamK_
Crew: none
Name: Adam Klobukowski
Doing: C programming
Birthyear: 1979
Country: Poland
Ataris: FalconCT60, 4MB STe, 2*65XL+XC12+CA2001

aldn / ParadizeNick: aldn
Crew: Paradize
Name: Alain Derpin
Doing: YM converting, ripping, misc things
Birthyear: 1974
Country: Belgium
Ataris: 800XL, 1040STe 4mo*2

_baggio_ (Baggio) / EvolutionNick: _baggio_ (Baggio)
Crew: Evolution
Name: Robert Högberg
Doing: Music, website
Birthyear: 1977
Country: Sweden
Ataris: 1040STe, MegaSTe 4, FalconCT60

Beetle / Foundation TwoNick: Beetle
Crew: Foundation Two
Name: Stefan Niestegge
Doing: Hardware modding and Party
Birthyear: 1972
Country: Germany
Ataris: 400, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, 1250XLD, 1500XL, TT030, Falcon060 (in TT case), Lynx, Jaguar

bp / one-man-showNick: bp
Crew: one-man-show
Name: Bruno Padinha
Doing: 68k coding (sort of)
Birthyear: 1973
Country: Portugal
Ataris: STfm 1meg (I guess ARAnyM doesn't count... yet! :-) )

c-rem / mjj-prodNick: c-rem
Crew: mjj-prod
Name: MONNARD emeric
Doing: Gfx (i try)
Birthyear: 1973 rules
Country: France
Ataris: STf, STe, FalconMKX , FalconCT2b , Falcon Afterburner040

Charon / EscapeNick: Charon
Crew: Escape
Name: Matthias Alles
Doing: Coding (68k & DSP)
Birthyear: 1981
Country: Germany
Ataris: 1040 STfm, Falcon

Chuck (sometimes gwen) / DuneNick: Chuck (sometimes gwen)
Crew: Dune
Name: Jose Martins
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1972
Country: France
Ataris: Mega STe 4 meg, STf

CiH / Alive teamNick: CiH
Crew: Alive team
Name: Chris Holland
Doing: Co-editing Alive Diskmag, Ascii stuff
Birthyear: 1964
Country: United Kingdom
Ataris: STe, FalconCT2, FalconCT60 (One of Pink's STfm's, is in fact mine on very extended loan!) ;-)

Cooper / ParadizeNick: Cooper
Crew: Paradize
Name: Nicolas HETTINGER
Doing: GFA coding, ASM Learning
Birthyear: 1981
Country: France
Ataris: STf, STe, FalconCT2b

Crazy Q / DHS, Creators, YM-RockerzNick: Crazy Q
Crew: DHS, Creators, YM-Rockerz
Name: Christian Källström
Doing: Music, pixels and learning GFA Basic
Birthyear: 1977
Country: Sweden
Ataris: 520 ST, 1040STf/STfm/STe, Mega STe 4, Falcon030, 2600jr, Jaguar

creature (Creature XL) / .tSCc.Nick: creature (Creature XL)
Crew: .tSCc.
Name: Daniel Pralle
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1977
Country: Germany
Ataris: FalconCT60, 1040STf, 800XL

cxt (Cyclone) / X-TrollNick: cxt (Cyclone)
Crew: X-Troll
Name: Heinz Rudolf
Doing: Coding, GFX, WEB
Birthyear: ???
Country: Germany
Ataris: STf, STfm, STe, Mega ST, Mega STe, FalconCT60, Falcon, C-Lab Falcon, TT, Jaguar

damo-rg (damo) / Reservoir GodsNick: damo-rg (damo)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Damian Russell
Doing: Music, code
Birthyear: 1976
Country: England
Ataris: 2600, STfm, STe, Falcon

Deun (ST Ghost) / Sector OneNick: Deun (ST Ghost)
Crew: Sector One
Name: Denis Huguet
Doing: Bugs
Birthyear: 1976
Country: France
Ataris: (floppyless-)STF 1M, STE 4M, Megafile30, SM125, FalconCT1 14M

DOCs / Etage97Nick: DOCs
Crew: Etage97
Name: Yvan DOYEUX
Doing: Coding, music
Birthyear: 1981
Country: France
Ataris: STf, STe, Mega ST, Falcon, Jaguar, VCS 2600, 800xl

EdO / Sector OneNick: EdO
Crew: Sector One
Name: Philippe van Meenen
Doing: Pixels
Birthyear: 1977
Country: France
Ataris: Nothing, I use Steem =)

evl (evil) / DHSNick: evl (evil)
Crew: DHS
Name: Anders Eriksson
Doing: Coding, website and some graphics
Birthyear: 1973
Country: Sweden
Ataris: STm*3, STf, STfm, STe*2, Mega STe, Falcon CT63, FalconCT60, Lynx*2, Jaguar

Felice / Maggie-TeamNick: Felice
Crew: Maggie-Team
Name: Richard Spowart
Doing: Writing for Chosneck and Alive on occasional basis
Birthyear: 1971
Country: United Kingdom
Ataris: 520 STfm, Mega STe (4 meg/80MB), 2*Falcon

frost242 (frost) / Sector OneNick: frost242 (frost)
Crew: Sector One
Name: Thomas Reiss
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1980
Country: France
Ataris: STf, STe, FalconCT60

ggn / KüA software productionsNick: ggn
Crew: KüA software productions
Name: George Nakos
Doing: Coding, gfx (crap)
Birthyear: 1977
Country: Greece
Ataris: 520STe upgraded to 4 Megs

GReY / Mystic BytesNick: GReY
Crew: Mystic Bytes
Name: Michal Michalowski
Doing: Founder of MSB, main editor of Chosneck mag, writing for UCM and UvsS mags on occasional basis, organizer of SV party.
Birthyear: 1978
Country: Poland
Ataris: Falcon (14MB RAM, FPU), 2xSTe, 65XE (192kb) + CA2001 floppy drive.

JaceSTK (Jace) / ST KnightsNick: JaceSTK (Jace)
Crew: ST Knights
Name: Laurent FARGUES
Doing: Bugs
Birthyear: 1972
Country: Reunion Island (France)
Ataris: STf*3, STe*3, MSTf*2, MSTe,TT (no Falcon! Send me one :)

Janey / -Nick: Janey
Crew: -
Name: Jane Rachel Whittaker
Doing: Game design, Doctor Who fanatic
Birthyear: 1967
Country: England
Ataris: Jaguar, Jaguar prototypes, STe, STfm, STm, TT*2, Lynx

Shazz (Kephy/Matt'Us Alem) / TROLL & Co. (The Raiders Of the Lost Lock and Co.)Nick: Shazz (Kephy/Matt'Us Alem)
Crew: TROLL & Co. (The Raiders Of the Lost Lock and Co.)
Name: Matthieu Boujonnier
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1976
Country: France
Ataris: Mega ST1, MegaSTe2, 520 STf, 1040 STf, Falcon, Falcon 19" Rack

Knezzen / NoneNick: Knezzen
Crew: None
Name: Theo Knez
Doing: Music, Graphics
Birthyear: 1989
Country: Sweden
Ataris: Mega STe, Mega ST, 1040STfm, 520STe, Falcon CT63, Falcon CT2

kRadD / .tSCc.Nick: kRadD
Crew: .tSCc.
Name: Thorsten Butschke
Doing: Coding, Crazy Party Maniac
Birthyear: 1972
Country: Germany
Ataris: FalconCT60, Falcon CT1, Falcon 030, ST, MegaST, STE, Mega STE, TT, 130XE, 800 XE, XEGS, VCS 2600, 7800, Lynx, Jaguar

ltk_tscc (Lotek Style) / .tSCc.Nick: ltk_tscc (Lotek Style)
Crew: .tSCc.
Name: Stefan Benz
Doing: Music, Fading Twilight, No Fragments
Birthyear: 1973
Country: Germany
Ataris: vcs 7800, 800XL, 1040STf (several ones), Mega ST1, C-Lab Falcon MKII, Jaguar

lp2/lp060 (lp) / YesCREWNick: lp2/lp060 (lp)
Crew: YesCREW
Name: Lonny Pursell
Doing: GFA/ASM coding
Birthyear: 1965
Country: USA
Ataris: TT030, Hades060

Mav[RAM] (Maverick) / The SyndicateNick: Mav[RAM] (Maverick)
Crew: The Syndicate
Name: David Nyström
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1970
Country: Sweden
Ataris: 520 STm, 1040STf

Mint / n/aNick: Mint
Crew: n/a
Name: John Delahaye
Doing: Music
Birthyear: 1980
Country: England
Ataris: Falcon, STe, Lynx

Mr_Nours / mjj-prodNick: Mr_Nours
Crew: mjj-prod
Name: Miquel Olivier
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1975
Country: France
Ataris: 4MB STe with a Megafile 30

msg-rg (msg) / Reservoir GodsNick: msg-rg (msg)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Malcolm S. Grant
Doing: 'zik
Birthyear: 1975
Country: The Netherlands
Ataris: Falcon030

muguk (mug_uk) / n/aNick: muguk (mug_uk)
Crew: n/a
Name: Mike Mee
Doing: GFA and a wee bit of assembler
Birthyear: 1970
Country: UK
Ataris: MegaSTE 4 and emulated on 2 x PCs and an Xbox :)

Partycle / Reservoir GodsNick: Partycle
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Teemu Hukkanen
Doing: Testing, misc
Birthyear: 1976
Country: Finland
Ataris: FalconCT60

PeP / Själv är bäste drängNick: PeP
Crew: Själv är bäste dräng
Name: Peter Persson
Doing: Coding (C, 68k asm), music (Cubase SX, Triton, VST, ACE MIDI), graphics (Illustrator)
Birthyear: 1977
Country: Sweden
Ataris: Falcon CT60/100/25 128mb/14mb, Hades060/66, 256mb

piku / one-man-armyNick: piku
Crew: one-man-army
Name: Mark Duckworth
Doing: C, GEM, VDI
Birthyear: 1981
Country: United States
Ataris: Jaguar*2, 1040STf*2, Mega STe*3, TT030*2, nova, matrix, alberTT, FalconCT60

pink-rg (Pink) / Reservoir GodsNick: pink-rg (Pink)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Leon O'Reilly
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1974
Country: United Kingdom
Ataris: STfm*2, STe*2, FalconNemesis, FalconCT60, Lynx, Jaguar, Atari Calculator ;)

[ProToS] / ArcadiaNick: [ProToS]
Crew: Arcadia
Name: Mata Jean-Paul
Doing: Software translation, some music (and one day try to learn C)
Birthyear: 1970
Country: France
Ataris: 520STf, 1040STe, MegaSTe, TT030, Falcon030, FalconCT60, VCS 2600, Jaguar+jagcd, Dev jag+jagcd(alpine+midi board and flash card)

Rajah (Rajah Lone) / RenaissanceNick: Rajah (Rajah Lone)
Crew: Renaissance
Name: Pierre TONTHAT
Doing: GEM & GFA coding
Birthyear: 1971
Country: France
Ataris: Tower Falcon+Eclipse, Falcon, Tower MegaST4, STf, Jaguar, Lynx

ray_tscc (Ray) / .tSCc.Nick: ray_tscc (Ray)
Crew: .tSCc.
Name: Reimund Dratwa
Doing: 68k, Jaguar RiSC GPU+DSP
Birthyear: 1983
Country: Germany
Ataris: FalconCT60, TT, MegaST, BJL Jaguar

rip_rg (Ripley) / Reservoir GodsNick: rip_rg (Ripley)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Natasha L0mas
Doing: Gfx
Birthyear: 1978
Country: United Kingdom
Ataris: Falcon 030 - it's all I need :)

Sauron030 / NoneNick: Sauron030
Crew: None
Name: Tim Wilson
Doing: Music, code, website
Birthyear: 1976
Country: USA
Ataris: 2600*2, 7800, Lynx*2, Jaguar*2, 800XL, Falcon

sh3-rg (sh3) / Reservoir GodsNick: sh3-rg (sh3)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Kevin Dempsey
Doing: Pixels
Birthyear: 1973
Country: England
Ataris: Touch-Me, VCS/2600s, various 400s/800s/etc, STf, STfm, STe, Falcon, calculators.

Starman / Sutarujin / n/aNick: Starman / Sutarujin
Crew: n/a
Name: Francois de Berranger
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1982
Country: France
Ataris: STe 4MB

strata-rg (Stratagem) / Reservoir GodsNick: strata-rg (Stratagem)
Crew: Reservoir Gods
Name: Hans J. Albert
Doing: gfx, testings, website, music (i try...)
Birthyear: 1971
Country: Germany
Ataris: 1040ST, 1040STf, 1040STfm, 520ST, 520STm, 520ST+ (at all around 18 units of 520/1040s), MegaST1/2.5MB w. internal HDD, MegaST4, MegaSTe, Falcon, TT, some Jaguars

sts (st survivor) / AliveNick: sts (st survivor)
Crew: Alive
Name: LARNAC Sebastien
Doing: Alive diskmag main editor with CiH, formely gfxman
Birthyear: 1974
Country: France
Ataris: STe, Falcon, Lynx2 and some ST dead bodies

Sunnyboy (Simon Sunnyboy) / ParadizeNick: Sunnyboy (Simon Sunnyboy)
Crew: Paradize
Name: Matthias Arndt
Doing: Coding GFABASIC, C, learning m68k assembler
Birthyear: 1980
Country: Germany
Ataris: 520STm, 1040STfm, Falcon

Crew: YesCREW
Name: Janez Valant
Doing: Coding, website
Birthyear: 1968
Country: Slovenia
Ataris: 800XL, 130XE, ST, STf, MST, STe, MSTe, Falcon, FalconCT2, FalconCT60, TT, Stacy, Lynx, Jaguar, VCS 2600/7800

Thoooomas / New BeatNick: Thoooomas
Crew: New Beat
Name: Thomas Bergström
Doing: ASM Programing, Music, Graphics
Birthyear: 1975
Country: Suede
Ataris: STe, FalconCT60, FalconNemesis, Falcon030, Jaguar

Tobé (Dr H) / MJJ ProdNick: Tobé (Dr H)
Crew: MJJ Prod
Name: Jean-Baptiste Berlioz
Doing: Coding
Birthyear: 1974
Country: France
Ataris: 1040 STE 4MB

ultra / creamNick: ultra
Crew: cream
Name: Olaf Höhmann
Doing: Coding and music
Birthyear: 1971
Country: Germany
Ataris: Falcon

WizTom / AggressionNick: WizTom
Crew: Aggression
Name: Tomi Kivelä
Doing: Coding (lazy)
Birthyear: 1974
Country: Finland
Ataris: 1040STfm, 520STe, 520ST for spareparts

© 1994-2025 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson