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DHS.NU news article
CT60 gets optimized May 15th, 2003
In the last few days before the CT60 ships, Czuba-Tech now unveils a new optiming trick they have invented for the CT60. The ST-Ram is now 25% faster on writing, even without overclocking the motherboard. Indeed very good news.

Below follows the Czuba-Tech announcement from today:

Hey, I just finished a modification & test to boost the ST-RAM write accesses. And it runs ! I just win 25% of access time on all ST-RAM write accesses !

Crazy, incredible !!

In 256 colors we go from 5.2 to 7.0 MB/s !
In 16 colors we go from 6.2 to 8.1 MB/s !

And that's only for a 16 MHz falcon, not a 20 or more !

In gembench, kronos or nembench, this gives some incredible results I will nextly put on my web pages !It is better than the Milan 040 + 1024*768 video card !!

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