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DHS.NU news article
Atari XL/XE music crew forms up January 12th, 2003
It would seem like the YM-Rockerz idea is spreading. Not a long time ago we introduced you the AY-Riders music crew on Spectrum, and now a couple of the best Atari XL/XE musicans has joined together as 'Grayscale'. There's no full mp3-album to download yet, but some mp3-files, sap files and whole XL/XE productions.

The offcial pressrelease (from Atari.Org):

Grayscale Project

(...) pair of musicians, pair of friends... they met a long time ago: Greg - Grzegorz Kwiatek and X-Ray - Lukasz Sychowicz. Then, there was only one thing, which put them in touch - common feeling of love to 'Little' Atari Computers.

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