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DHS.NU news article
IMParty 13 May 9th, 2001
With almost thee months time ahead, IMPonance have annouced the dates for IMParty 13 this coming summer. Below you can find the annoucement from Ham/IMP.

This is the official invitation to IMParty 13.

It will take place at Malmenskolan in Grangesberg.
(It should be pretty well known by now. =))

The dates are: 27th, 28th, and 29th of July, the last weekend in July. IMParty 13 will start 18:00 friday 27th and end ~18:00 sunday 29th.

Info about last years party can be found @ (Hopefully there will be a page up soon, be patient.). We will try to have hot water in the showers again this summer!

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