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DHS.NU news article
DSP56301 card for TOS-machines March 22nd, 2001
Maybe some of you faithful Atarians remember the DSP-part of the long gone 'Phenix'-Computer? This DSP system was redesigned into a PCI-card so it could fit any computer with PCI-slots. However it seemed noone was interested to produce such a card and it kinda fell away from attention.

Today however there are good news on this front. A german company has bought the rights to the 'Deesse'-Card (as it's called), and intend to make it available for Atari machines equipped with a PCI interface. The card consists of a 100 MHz 56301 DSP (some six times faster than the Falcon 56001 DSP!), 24 bit, 96 kHz audio output giving some real good performance and sound quality.

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