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20 years Atari ST
10 year
15k music demo
Summer 2001
Dither / non-music
Fuji photo
Chipmusic cover
3k graphics
Xmas intro / non-music
Whip! plugin
Sid Sound Designer
Four colours
Non musican 2
16-colour dither and non-musican compo
The results of the 16 colour dithering and non-music competitions are now ready.
The dither competition had the aim to do as original and nice dither of a colour fade in a 320*200 16 colours picture. The fade direction and the colour palette were static, so you couldn't change that.
16 colour dither competition
  1. "Dithexo" by Exocet (37 points)
  2. "Nyt2" by Evil (24 points)
  3. "Just4fun" by Moondog (13 points)
  4. "Landscape" by Spiny (17 points)
  5. "Ggndithr" by GGN (8 points)
  6. "Flash-di" by Flash (8 points)
  7. "Spikdot" by Evil (4 points)
  8. "Line1" by Evil (3 points)
19 votes 114p
The non.musican compo had the usual rules. 4-channel protracker module, 720 kilobytes max size.
Non-musican competition
  1. "Micro2" By Setok (24 points)
  2. "Anti" by Evil (24 points)
  3. "Swing" By Setok (22 points)
  4. "Heather2" by CiH (21 points)
  5. "Clouchy" by Hylst (9 points)
  6. "Scotish" by Hylst (9 points)
  7. "Frivolit" by Hylst (3 points)
  8. "Soucianc" by Hylst (2 points)
19 votes 114p
You can still download the original pictures and modules from the compo package (mod files and neo/pi1/gif pictures).
© 1994-2024 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson