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Nest by Mic (Antiques)

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25 Years Of STe Aladdin Alien Statue Android Antiques Astronaut Ball Lane Banana Box Buildings Castle Castle 2 Castle 2 - Rasters Cave Change Disk Chaos Illusion City Contact Code Contact Graphics Contact Music Credits Crystal Summer Demon Wing DevilDune Dingo Dune Logo Dingo Title Dont Wait For A Demo Dolphin Dragonball Dragons Dragons Dune - Sector One Exile - Rasters Eye #1 Eye #2 Faces Fairy Faith Dune Fallen Robot Fantaisa Dune Logo Fantasia Credits Fantasia Sector One Fantasia Title Flexiscroller Future City Glenz Background Greetings Hi! Illusion Loading Industry Inner Machinery Lego Fuji Lightning Loading Mapping Mind In A Box Mohai Monk Monument Moon Nest Next Level Odd Dune Old Man #1 Old Man #2 Organic Dune Plasma Dune Precalculated Psycho Plasma Rasterscroller Robot Love Rocks Dune Rotating Dune Saying SC124 Galore See Ya At The Party Silly Venture 2014 invite title Spacefighter Title Splatter Dune Stone Head Story - Building Story - City Story - Falling Story - Lab Story - Space #1 Story - Space #2 Story - Spaceship Story - Terminal Story - Thinking Story - Vector Ornament This Is Newschool Tree Dune UFO What A Dist Whats Next Winter Castle Winter? Woman
96 thumbnails from Mic (artist)


Image data

Machine:Atari STe
Used colours:115
Display technique:Raster splits
Software used:Neochrome Master + Promotion
VideoDB:Watch a video of this prod

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nativ (2012-04-15) Report as spam/crap
Which Pixel Painter is being used for these Hi-Colour pics?

mic (2012-04-16) Report as spam/crap
Neochrome master was used to create the rasters interrupts but the main work was done on pc using Promotion (the best pixel painting program imo).

evil (2012-04-17) Report as spam/crap
nativ: these rastersplit pictures are not "Hi-Colour", they use the normal STe colour palette. However the pics with blitter colour updates and dual interlaced images fakes a Hi-Colour mode trhough flickering. those are not pixel painted, but rendered with 3D Studio Max and then run thru a conversion tool by Zerkman. Mic: Awesome graphics from Antiques, but certainly Grafx2 is the best pixel editor ;)

nativ (2012-04-20) Report as spam/crap
thanks evil, I completely missed Software used: Neochrome Master + Promotion in the description! So I could do some (Rainbow2) or escape paint (/|) pictures and then raster split on the STe ! Pro-motion looks good, had a play before. GraFX is coming along nicely and is on MAC/PC and Atari :D

dan/pdx (2012-04-29) Report as spam/crap
plain... wow!


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